I use small clips to make sure nothing moves around while tracing (pic 3). One layer of Wonderflex is actually quite thin, and will not hold its own shape very well under any sort of pressure or stress. Copyright ©2021 deviantink.com. For this armor, you'll want it as thin as possible - very thick spot putty will crack when the armor flexes. With this course, you’ll learn about the software’s new tools and … Heat will distort and damage those shapes you worked so hard on! If you have some areas with deeper imperfections or larger dents, you can use a polyester filler. This will help your graphics blend well with your existing plastic colors. Art school, woo!) check out my other Instructable about making videogame helmets here. If you click on the same armor piece icon you've already equipped it will take that piece off again. For larger areas like the chest and back sections, I laminated three sheets of Wonderflex together by heating them with my heat gun, then rolling them together with the rolling tool seen in step 2. This allows you to sculpt like a completely inept third grader (like me!) Our popular colorway for the armor wrap is our standard armor-looking design. This is a new material for me and I love all the details ! Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more. Armor in Monster Hunter: World (MHW) is comprised of Sets, Unique Pieces, Accessories and enhanced via Decorations.They usually have the look and feel of the Monsters utilized to craft each piece or set. Making armor snap onto straps allows you to put most of the straps in place, then affix the armor once you've got all of the bits in place. Video 2: Touch up and refinement. In order to keep the Wonderflex from sticking to my resin buck, I covered the piece in tin ducting tape (pic 2) and brush them into the cracks and seams in your armor. Have used it to mend everything from cups, and ceramics to a dent in my car :X Stuff is amazing. In order to mount these in place, snaps were riveted to a small square of Wonderflex, which was then heated and adhered to the inside of the armor (pic 3) You can drill these holes in the Wonderflex if you like, but if you're using leather straps like the ones shown, you might have access to a punch (pic 9) which is a much easier way to make holes in the material. This view will be a bit different depending on if you're on your phone or a desktop. Proper safety equipment - respirator, gloves and goggles for any sanding or painting, and the respirator isn't a bad idea when heating the material either! wondering if anyone had made any armor with this technique that will stand up to larp weapons in combat? Much like how the small bumps were massaged out of areas one small spot at a time in the previous step, you can do that again here to remove wrinkles in the surface of the larger armor parts. If your armor needs to be smooth in these areas, you can fill in these darts from the back side to have a seamless finish. on Step 19. Create and customize an avatar and begin the process of attaching your 3d model costume parts. My advice is to start small, you can always add more after you've finished a coat, and a little powder will go a long way. In the world of videogame armor, there are all sorts of colors to choose from. This particular filler has a bit of flex and give to it, which will allow for the fact that Wonderflex isn't completely rigid. In order to anchor these straps to the chest and back sections, I used a piece of hardware called "chicago screws" (they're also sometimes called "sex screws" but let's try to be adults about this, hmm?) Take the second brush and scoop a small amount of powder onto it, then tap it lightly over the wet area to apply the powder. Lastly, the sides of the armor had D-rings inserted - a piece of leather cord holds these closed. There are some parts of this armor which won't conform to a readily available form or shape. But in all seriousness this looks great. It took several passes and stretching of corners and edges to get to this point, and we still have a lot of wrinkly areas to sort out, but it's getting closer. Same goes for the straps! Here's a recap video of a process where I weathered a rifle from Mass Effect: Using 3 dimensional data, Pepakura allows the model to be unfolded to a flat template to be cut, folded, and glued together. I buy mine from a place called "The Compleat Sculptor" (yes, incorrect spelling is intentional!) Armor Design: Sci Fi. I found that the smoother side adheres better when heated up than the woven side, so avoid laminating two woven sides to one another if possible, as this will make a weaker bond. THE AVATAR. This kind of technique is a bit messy, and it can get away from you in a hurry if you add too much powder or accidentally blast all of the rust to an area on your piece where you don't want it. You may need to repeat this step a few times to make sure you've gotten all the divots and dents you want to fill in. A tip about the edges of Wonderflex: sometimes while sanding or trimming, you'll get fuzzed edges from the woven fibers sticking out of the sides. Paper is a good analog for Wonderflex. I want to make a more minimalist Viking-style leather armor, and am trying to figure out how much a set would cost to make. Hidethe coloring layer. The textures on that armor is amazing. Keep in mind when making your armor. Even the thickest of their available products is still pretty thin for very good results, so you'll see in later steps I often double or triple layer the material to make curves smoother and cleaner. The filler here is still at most 1/16" thick, but it helps smooth out the surface considerably. on Introduction. In order to make painting your armor easier, I suggest having or making a PVC painting rack (pic 5). In pic 3 you can see how rough my initial sculpt was. Introduction. While this falls slightly outside the scope of "Wonderflex armor" it is something you can do to really enhance the look of your project! How To Make An Armor Sled Wrap. In the images above, all armor parts except the helmet were made from a mixture of Wonderflex and Apoxie sculpt. Vice versa if you want a light-colored wrap with a lot of white... make sure your plastics are white. All Rights Reserved. Make sure to wear a respirator when doing this, since I don't think vaporized Wonderflex is good for your lungs! A solid project always starts with solid blueprints. Please and thank you! In pics 7 and 8, I'm using the "natural" color, which is my preferred one to work with. Ok after playing through the process of making and skinning armor etc, heres my list of revised instructions, using Jaysus'Fallout3 Skinning Workaround Tutorial as a base. Did you make this project? I mix these together in a 6:4:1 ratio by volume. What is the purpose of the damp towel in Step 7? Recall that Wonderflex has 2 different surfaces: a smoother side, and a side with a woven texture to it. Head over to Deviant Ink, and select snow > snowmobile > your sled manufacturer. Glass etching and marketing products for you or your business. I make costumes for living and I learned a lot ! You might love this as is, and won't need to play around with the customizer. I would like to share you the alice cosplay costume here. THE TEMPLATES. The shoulder pauldrons and leg bracers are mostly even symmetrical curves, but pieces like the shin guards and breastplate will require a bit more ingenuity. After all the clear is dried on the front, get some cheap flat black spray paint and paint all interior panels, or if you're nervous about over spray, bottled black acrylic will work as well.NOTE: I got a little overzealous and did this before I had the armor strapping and rigging sorted. Snaps are perhaps the best thing I've ever found for rigging armor. Okay so there you have it! This can be immediate, like right before your eyes, but sometimes it can take a few minutes as well. This is shown with a different set of armor I was working on, but the concept is the same. Pic 6 shows a contrast between darkening some of the rust with a purple wash of paint, and how it would look without any further topcoat at all. Wonderflex takes about 5 minutes to cool fully in ambient air, but with this method I had a rigid sheet in seconds (pic 5). Bucks & Forms - these can be anything that resembles the shape you're eventually trying to make. This is a step by step process of quick sketch to take your design into more detail with just black and white or achromatic. You'll need to incorporate your plastic color into at least one of the colors in your wrap. Pick the Move … These were eventually strengthened later on though, after the base shape was finished. You can choose to equip the shoulders individually, even with different pieces, or turn on 'symmetrical shoulders' to automatically equip the same shoulder piece on both shoulders.If you… Begin to compare, and decipher. Video 2 Studying what you gathered, and mentally prepare yourself to engage the concept. An important thing to note is that Apoxie Sculpt comes in many different colors. Wonderflex is a low-melt thermoplastic (activation temperature of 150°-170° F) with a woven fiber backing on one side. This took some tweaking; the initial blueprints I made were often too small when wrapped around a curved shape, so they needed to be modified here and there. Things will look like pic 8 after spraying. Creating Armor Items. Armour, also spelled armor, also called body armour, protective clothing with the ability to deflect or absorb the impact of projectiles or other weapons that may be used against its wearer.Until modern times, armour worn by combatants in warfare was laboriously fashioned and frequently elaborately wrought, reflecting the personal importance placed by the vulnerable soldier on its … Make sure to put some scrap cardboard under your parts to avoid destroying your work surface. Introduction. Select your base colors. The straps were treated to a similar amount of abuse, but were also scuffed up on my belt sander (equipped with 50 grit paper) to break the leather in a bit and distress the edges. You could make a radar-dish type shape but it would be very difficult to get it to make a tight dome. On the shin guards this had the added benefit of hiding the seam line between the two Wonderflex halves and making things look like one continuous piece. You can see this happening at about 2:58 in this video below (it goes by quick!) Wonderflex is also self-adhesive, meaning if you heat up two sheets and press therm together, they will bond to one another as they cure. I don't have much armor on my upcoming cosplay and I'm still deciding on what material to use, but wonderflex seems like a good medium so far :). If you want to make rounded parts, glass jars or buckets work. One color of paint will be just that: a single color, flat and boring. Video 2: Studying what you gathered, and mentally prepare yourself to engage the concept. If you're going with a dark-themed wrap, it's always best to have solid black as your plastics. After buffing with the scotchbrite pad, you'll want to seal the rust with clear coat. Additionally, when shaping only one layer of Wonderflex, the material will tend to wrinkle along areas where it is stretched into a compound curve. Sometimes people just post a video, and that's fine, but I like taking things all the way. And thanks for siting all your actual product usage, that's also so helpful! Depending on how good you are at sculpting, this might be a very short or a very long process (pic 2) My preferred filler for this is a product called Dolphin Glaze by UPol. Once the peroxide and vinegar are gone, a lot of salt is left behind, and it's not very pretty (pic 9) More on that later! Pepakura accepts a range of 3D file extensions, and can save files in its native extension (.pdo). A quick buff with a green scotchbrite pad will get rid of this (pic 10, 11, 12). These were clipped to the paint rack to make things easier to paint, instead of just laying them on the ground on a piece of cardboard. INTRODUCTION A typical composite armor is composed of material layers made of fiber laminates, ceramics, rubbers, metals, etc. You may need to dart your pattern in order to get it to conform to the curve on the part in some cases. You can see this filler used in the back area along the sides, where there were still some small wrinkles from the initial shaping process (pic 9). For this example, we'll use a. The first passes of this will be done with acrylic paints. This is where to begin in order to cut out your own armor parts. Check out his website at. I accidentally purchased some of the "white" color, which seems to be a bit fluffier and harder to get defined edges out of than some of the other colors. 2. For this example, we'll use a Ski-Doo. Unlike the previous step, you'll want to trim out these pieces in flat form first, then pull them into shape gradually (pic 1) They did a remodeling project in January of 2014 using a permit obtained from the city of Phoenix. Creating an Armor Material class. Thank you so much! After the parts are shaped to your liking, it's a good idea to put them back on the mannequin and make sure all your seams still line up (pics 7 & 8) Don't worry if things aren't perfectly smooth now, you're just trying to make it so no imperfections or surface variations are deeper than 1/8" or so - we can fill small dents and divots like that in later on in the process. Can I use the techniques described here, with the apoxie sculpt, on worbla? Damn, what enb/graphics mod are you using? Can you please elaborate on what you mean? In this tutorial, I will show you a rough character concept painting Warrior armor. 2 years ago My solution to this issue was to laminate several sheets together before shaping my parts. Shake up the mixture in your spray bottle and set the nozzle to the widest mist setting, then spray lightly over the metal powder (pic 7). While armor is a bit more complicated to implement than a normal block or item, once you understand it, it becomes simple to implement. In pic 3, you can see the front chest plate after shaping. Re: TUTORIAL - Sabine Wren chest armour paint and design templates « Reply #4 on: May 19, 2018, 01:48 AM » Wow this is amazing, … How can you make it more grounded, and prevent it from being to abstract. While Pep is good for starting armorers, it rarely ends up high quality. I've tried several kinds but the best so far has been Krylon Satin clear acrylic. This will fizzle down and settle into a nice rust texture pretty quickly (about an hour or so) but don't try to blast away this bubbling with your spray bottle! My roller has a silicone drum, so this wasn't an issue. What happens if you don't have a solid plastic color? We love seeing and sharing your designs! It's very convenient that this stuff sticks to itself so well, but following it up with a little superglue also at the higher stress points where the armor is rigged up is a good precaution. The tool is very simple and straight forward, you simply click the sex you wish and then on whatever armor pieces you want to put on, you can even mix plate, leather and cloth pieces if you wish. For this I filled a bathtub full of ice water (fun!) For more simple shapes, like the curved pieces in pic 6, I heated laminated sheets of Wonderflex and draped them over the side of a bucket to cool. Players may also outfit their Palicoes with specific equipment. A quick pass with a hot knife or soldering iron will melt these back into the rest of the material and clean the edges of your armor up considerably (pics 10, 11, 12). This armor is old and worn and very neglected. Creating a Costume/Cosplay From E.V.A Foam: Good evening Ladies and Gents, In this fine Instructable I will be showing and instructing you how to work with EVA Foam for costuming and prop creation.If you have any questions regarding the tutorial, making of your own cosplay/costume or just wan… All Wedding & Party. I wish I'd had time to do makeup appropriate to the rest of the grit in the costume, but I suppose that will have to happen next time. 1 Villager Trading Method 1.1 Getting Emeralds 1.1.1 Redstone Farm & Trade Method 1.1.2 Raid Farm Method 1.2 Trading 2 Enchanted Books … My preferred go-to is a 2-part epoxy clay called "Apoxie Sculpt." Love Apoxie Sculpt. This technique may leave you with some blobs of melted material on either side of your cut mark. Remember: if you glue onto a surface, you're gluing onto the material. For small imperfections and divots that the filler primer won't cover, I'll use spot putty as a filler (pic 14) this stuff is only meant for imperfections smaller than 1/16" thick. Just trim these away with an exacto knife before painting to clean up the edges. Table of Contents. I found that its much easier to cut the shape out of the piece AFTER it has been shaped to the proper curve. The D-rings are held to the armor in much the same way the snaps and chicago screws are: a loop of Wonderflex was made that the D-ring sits inside of, and this was then heated and affixed to the Wonderflex armor (pic 10). but you could let the Wonderflex air cool if you're not in a hurry. If you'd like to see a version of this in action, I use a similar technique when weathering my handheld props. All of the rings and buckles on my armor were sculpted first in clay or cut from acrylic sheet, then cast in resin using metallic powders to get a shiny finish. It sort of looks like very thick plastic duct tape. After the filler, do a couple more coats of filler primer to see if you've missed anything. Or will this only work with wonderflex? In pic 2 you can see my method for shaping the back and chest sections. Pepakura (often referred to as "Pep") is a program that creates buildable papercraft models. A tip about getting the shape to cool faster: I kept a 5 gallon bucket filled with ice water next to my workbench. You'll be taken to a page where you select your model, year, track size, coverage, finish type, and any personalization requests like company logos or your name. This is a small step, but little details like this are often overlooked and they can make a good costume really great. By now they're probably a crazy array of primer, paint, some rust blobs and who knows what else! (pic 1 & 2) The rather disgusting shirt in pic 1 started life as a custom made and quite handsome piece of linen and leather, sewn for me by my friend Cathy over at God Save the Queen Fashions (Cathy also made the pants, fur parts, and all the leather straps I riveted and snapped into place!) On this course, we’ll create a suit of armor, using classical and medieval style components with help from some of the new tools the latest version of ZBrush has to offer. Take flat black paint and coat the insides of all your armor. To color a part: 1. Just print your custom templates and get Armorsmithing in the medium of your choice! When you're ready, turn your 3d costume parts into template patterns. Video 3 Begin your concepting, with some loose sketches and tests. Armor Tutorial Armor Drawing Reference Character Design Character Art Art Reference Poses Guided Drawing Drawings Armor Drawing How To Draw Armor by Iron-sage on DeviantArt This is how I draw armor most of the time, I do apologize if this is inaccurate or neat enough for you. If you're going to have some very heavily weathered armor though, you can leave it a bit rougher. Once you are done desiging your armor wrap, click the "NEXT / CHOOSE MODEL" and you're on your way. Concentrate on one area, heat it and shape it to your liking, then dunk it in the ice water bucket to cool off rapidly. Note the dart added at the bottom front section of this part, which was made in order to flare out the area around the boot. We did cover the guide layers, but we can hide/show that upper layer whenever we want to see them. Wrap Design Tutorial: How To Customize The Popular Armor Wrap, Head over to Deviant Ink, and select snow > snowmobile > your sled manufacturer. If you cut the piece first, then stretch it over a form to make it curved, you end up with something that will be distorted from the original intended pattern. Today, we're going to show you exactly how to design a cool-looking armor (or tank) design using our free wrap customizer tool and the popular "Armor" sled wrap design. Pushing Fantasy Armor Design. 6 years ago I've found that Rustoleum hammered paints are extremely durable and even have a good amount of flex to them, which will prevent cracking in your paint job after you've worn your costume multiple times. In November 2009, Ar… Read more Tips please. More on that later. If you don't have one of these, a rolling pin or similar rounded item will work, but you might want to test it out first to make sure the heated Wonderflex doesn't stick to it. If there are small parts to cover, you can apply it in spots like in pic 5. The nice thing about Apoxie sculpt is that you can sand it, much like bondo, after it has cured. I used these to take still screengrabs of the armor from head-on angles, then traced the patterns into flat shapes in Illustrator. Learn how to make armor with our tutorials, templates, and other DIY patterns! Chicago screws were also used on the insides of some armor parts like the scalloped armor plate on the left arm. In pics 1 and 2 you can see how the shoulder armor connects to the shoulder strap with snaps embedded into the Wonderflex. Hardware like this makes a smooth connection on the inside of your armor so nothing sticks out like a bolt head or nut, and it also won't pinch the parts of armor screwed together and add to stress or strain (pics 4 - 7) With your patterns sorted, it's time to transfer them to your Wonderflex. 1. Using a sanding sponge for this technique will make sanding along the compound curves easier (pic 15) Based in Scottsdale, Armor Design Build is a general contractor that provides new home construction, trenching and more. One of the best tutorials ! How are you?? Next to skinning the model, this is probably the next most complicated part.With … The first step in this process is to grab some rough grit sandpaper and start smoothing out the rough Apoxie sculpt accents. More Fantasy Armor Design, an extension to a previous video on how I would take what I taught and apply it to expand and push my armor designs. update.It has a chance from exploding a Pure Magic Ore.. Function. Begin to compare, and decipher. DO NOT LEAVE IT IN YOUR CAR, EVER. A little scuffing and scraping will make your parts look much more realistic. Pre-drill the holes, cut off the pointy end of the nail on the back, and super glue them into place (pic 10), Grab your respirator and make sure to do this in a garage or outside; things are about to get dusty. For working with Wonderflex specifically, I'd suggest the following: Toss all your rusty armor over your stained clothes and go show it off! The more you heat the material up, the stronger this bond will become. Tutorial × Cari Cari. For these parts, the Wonderflex was heated and adhered to the part directly, then the seam between the two parts was filled with superglue in order to make everything very rigid. It's important to take into consideration the color of your plastics. Do not store it in a position where it is being pressed down on or where there is anything flattening the shape out. With the sculpting, shaping and fake rivets complete, it's time to start making things smooth in preparation for paint. I will sometimes follow up the clear coat with a little bit of purple or red paint on the rust spots to deepen the color a bit and keep it from being too cartoonishly orange. For clean holes, a hand punch works best. The variations in the base coat will show through even once your piece is weathered and finished, so make sure to put in the time to do a good job! Once all the Apoxie clay is smoothed out, get some high build filler primer (typically found at auto parts stores) and give all your parts about 3 even coats, allowing a few hours of dry time between coats (pics 3 & 4). This series of tutorials and patterns has been purpose built to be a fast way to teach you how to make leather armor. Warrior in armor character design tutorial. This is really a great tutorial for us to read. 5 years ago Start designing your sled wrap with our color customizer. These were then covered with thin strips of Wonderflex to reinforce the seams (pic 6). Wherever the piece isn't damp, the powder will fall away (pics 3-6). You can more readily see the bleach spots on the leather here as well. This set of tutorials breaks the entire suit down piece by piece and adds additional tips, tricks, techniques, and other knowledge with every new video. I detail the process of cold casting a little more extensively in my tutorial about how to make a videogame helmet, and you can read more about that here. This was then carried over and draped on top of my duct tape torso form, then covered with a second towel soaked in ice water and left to cool. While this gave me a pretty decent base form, the result had small wrinkles and the edges were quite wavy. You're doing very high quality stuff. Welcome to our wrap design tutorial of the week! I also added raised details around the perimeter of the armor with thin strips of Wonderflex, which were heated and pressed onto the base shape. We’ll show you the most efficient workflow, which is to sculpt the pieces one by one and then put together the whole suit of armor. Farming armor is not as hard as it sounds, and there are many different ways to do it. No attics, garages, or outdoor storage lockers. Layering is key. We'll skip the common stuff that most people will probably have laying about the house: sharpie markers, rulers, a well lit workspace. Home › ... Contoh Hasil Gear Design Goku-ish TKM armor Icey-Colored Fire-Mage Hat (for you Ice Mage's that like to teleport and knock me off with your Ice burst ;c) KIRBY (and Meta Knight) BALLOONS :D Saiyan Space Trooper Scouter [ Dari Dragonball :v ] Icy Angel Wings This is a full series on how to find reference, study and begin concepts for Sci-Fi Armor Design. The hot glue won't bond to the Wonderflex if you use low-temp, but it is strong enough to hold the piece during paint until you need to snap off the paint stick. It seems like some game character designers, not having to deal with physical items or the dangers of real battle, don't quite grasp some of the basics of functional armor design. Hello! This will build up a thick layer of primer on the surface which will start to fill in the fine texture of the Wonderflex. You can see the paints I used on my armor in pic 4. The photos really look like that is an action figure... Great costume and great photos! After printing out a set of armor templates, I'd loosely tape the parts together onto the form to approximate the shape of the armor. Armorsmith is a tool for designing and constructing costumes. The molds shown here are simple block pour molds made in tin cure silicone. Pic 4 shows all the little bumps and ripples we'll be smoothing out soon. Store it in a temperature controlled space. Much like the snaps, a square of Wonderflex was heated over one half of the screw, then affixed to the inside of the armor. on Step 3, Do you take commissions? Custom armor design and fabrication service for TV, theater, cosplay, & LARP. Thanks for the in depth tutorial on wonderflex. The Skyrim armor I was making called for a warm brownish-silver color to simulate the "iron", but this technique here can be applied to gold, bronze, silver or any other metallic shade. Select a popular colorway if you'd like to keep the design as is, or use it as a starting place to work off of designing your own. It shouldn't be too far down the page. With parts like this, patience is key. This process was repeated several times - remove the damp towel, heat a specific area, form to shape, then re-apply the cold towel - until the shape in pic 1 was achieved. Wonderflex works very well for large surfaces and broad shapes, but for more defined areas and crisp details, you'll need to switch to a different material.
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