The Core Needs Tarot Relationship Reading Technique for Couples. Paying attention to the lunar cycles, the 3 Mercury retrograde periods and other planetary transits, will help you go with the flow of the energy for the year and manifest in alignment with the Universe. The new moon is the birth of a new cycle, making it the perfect time to manifest your greatest desires. Got questions? Try this – Your Ideal Relationship Tarot Spread. For even more spreads, including seasonal spreads, check out 2019 Biddy Tarot Planner. Email: [email protected] Call (Ireland): +353 87 9171660. This spread will show your past, present and future. This is one of those rare Tarot spreads that I recommend doing while you are feeling very emotional and the feelings are still very ‘raw’. This spread helps you identify and solve any problems in your current relationship. Daily Insight Get a FREE Tarot Reading More Free Readings & Reports Free Birth Chart. Contact. New Years Day is one of my favorite times to do a Tarot reading. You can stick with your goals and intentions (or consciously release them if they’re no longer serving you). I use the daily check in tarot spread personally in the mornings just to see what is in store for the day. Tarot card images courtesy of the Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. You have two of the best tools available at your disposal to create an amazing year – Tarot and your intuition. You can use this spread to look at specific areas of life, revealing aspects of the day to you in order to help gain some clarity. It will help you to bring peace to your present state of being and take you out of that panicked state. This basic layout can help give you some guidance for your day, and reveal the hidden truths. When I work with individuals new to tarot cards, they frequently ask about ones for love. A yes/no spread is also a good starter for session that will explore reasons more in … 15 Tarot Spreads for Beginners. During this time of vibrant, magical energies, use the New Moon Tarot Spread to carefully plant seeds to bring your goals and dreams to life. You receive the complete set of FOUR BOOKS with 95 different Tarot spreads:. This is a 5 card Tarot spread with a campy, Halloween theme! The energy of this time of year is truly magical. If you are interested in learning how to read tarot cards, one thing you will need to learn is a few common spreads. With determination and presence of mind, you will learn to read tarot cards with ease. Use the whole deck for this spread. Bookmark this page and check in throughout the year to keep yourself on track and in alignment with your higher goals. The Eight of Wands is also a relocation card, so too is the Four and Ten of Wands. A wedding, party, family gathering/celebration, on vacation (note the Eight of Wands is a vacation card. Spring Cleaning Tarot Spread Despite the name, new year is a great time to read with this spread, which is … Wondering if they’re a keeper – or a lemon? To get more information you can do a 2nd round and double up each card position. In this spread, it is also important that you read card position 5 and card position 6 together. Especially considering that Mercury retrograde periods are the time to revisit, rework, revise, reconsider and re-evaluate. For those of you are looking for a status check on where your work situation is going, this general-purpose spread is meant to do that for you. A Career Status Check - Brick by Brick Career Tarot Spread. These are what I believe to be the best for beginners, but remember you will have … It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Tarot beginner doing a reading for the first time, or a seasoned professional with decades of experience – a three-card Tarot reading will give you the crystal clear insight you need. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition. About. In 2019, it’s time to look at your world from a different perspective. Some spreads are specially targeted to answer the questions on a specific subject. The perfect ritual to start your year of with intention. Or can't find what you’re looking for? Curious about all the different tarot spreads out there? The simplest spread is a one card reading, usually done to answer yes or no to your question or to get an insight about a situation, or simple guidance for your day. A tarot card spread is a method by which a tarot card reader physically lays out or places the cards on the table and then interprets the card meanings for the querent. This spread of tarot cards is a little more complicated than the previous ones, and takes more interpretation and experience from the reader. Even though this isn’t “technically” a Tarot spread, I’m including the Daily Card Draw here because it is the essential activity to connect with your intuition and build your confidence using Tarot. We all face challenges at work and in our careers. But there are many more spreads available than just those two. Rapidly Boost Your Tarot Reading Confidence. Looking for love? Release & Let Go is a beautiful spread to assist you in moving through the year with ease. Celtic Cross Tarot Spread Layout. If you stick with this ritual, you’ll begin to notice your intuition getting stronger, making life more enjoyable and empowering you to live the life you want. Buffeted along by events and happenings (both Earth-side and cosmic), before long we’ve forgotten our consciously set intentions and are back in survival mode. From a Tarot perspective, it’s the year of the Hanged Man (2=0=1=9 = 12). I created the Biddy Tarot Planner to make this even easier for you – it includes lunar cycles, Mercury retrogrades, plus loads more! While the Tarot is designed to give complex, in-depth answers to difficult questions, but sometimes a reader simply wants a yes or no answer to a simple question. It can be easy, though, to forget all that magic and inspiration throughout the year, as life takes over and we move into “business as usual”. Whether you want to learn a Celtic Cross or a simple three card spread, the deck matters. Both courses are affordable, and will give you a deep understanding of the cards, common spreads, and more. Opening the door is the first step, now keep it … With Mercury retrograde coming around 3 or 4 times a year, it’s a great transit to use as a check-in point. Once you have identified your calling in life, doors will begin to open, and you will have direction. The choice of tarot spread primarily depends on the reader and the questions that need to be answered. The symbolism of new beginnings and the chance to hit reset and start again. Come back to this list throughout the year (set reminders for the key dates in your calendar) and experience a year aligned with your highest intentions and the Universal cycles. This is a common question I receive during tarot readings, so thought I would offer a career challenges spread for you to try! The opportunity to make new, conscious choices about your beliefs, behaviours and boundaries. Pause, step back and take some time away from your regular schedule and routine so that you can connect with a new way of thinking and seeing. Try a simple three card spread with cards for the present in the middle, past to the left, and a direction or word of guidance on the right. Remember, Tarot is a brilliant tool to access your intuition. Got questions? A great spread to do monthly, journaling your insights so that you can look back at the corresponding full moon and see what you’ve brought to fruition. All prices in USD. This is a great spread to use at the beginning of the year and on your birthday, to gain valuable insight into what you might experience during your next year. Load More. When you use your intuition daily, much like meditation or exercise, it will strengthen and bring you even greater benefit. 7 Relationship Truths Tarot Spread. Internet Dating Vetting Tarot Spread. When things get tough and it’s hard to see beyond the emotion of the moment, this spread is there for you to rise above the negative feelings and bring positivity and new beginnings back to your life. Major Arcana Tarot Spreads. If you have a lot of complex issues and many changes going on, this is the tarot spread for you. This spread is another really simple one to work with. In particular, we’re focusing on 3 situations, and we hope you’ll find these useful. Practice gratitude in your daily life and recognize that even by reading this blog post or doing the tarot spread you are getting yourself more in alignment with finding your true passion. Numerologically, 2019 is a 3 year, highlighting the importance of community, collaboration and communication. It's a six card pyramid spread, built from the base up. New Year Spread Lay your cards out in the following pattern…3 cards in one row and 4 cards in a second row below. Here are a few simple three card spreads I use with those learning to read. Each month, I’ll pick an interesting tarot spread (from a book or around the web) – and give it a spin. Daily Card Draw. Let’s take them for a test drive and find out! The second card points toward a path or direction more clearly, while the third card signifies the potential of the individual. Check them out! Home. Here are the card positions: N = What I need to know about the coming year? An accomplished tarot-card reader can use this spread in a variety of ways. I hope these spreads support you in living an amazing year in 2019. © 2021 Biddy Tarot. To finish this section off, we have the Mind, Body, Spirit spread. Try this 3 Card Spread for Decision Making (so handy when all those choices come up through the year! You may also like to experiment with designing your own! In fact, most readings I do surround the topic of love, relationships, and ex-partners. The Future Love Tarot Spread is the answer you have been looking for! This Year Ahead Tarot spread is actually extremely versatile -- you can use it to get a deeper look at the new year, or anytime you want to look at long-term goals! If you are interested in learning how to read tarot cards, one thing you will need to learn is a few common spreads.I have put together this list of tarot spreads for beginners to help you find a few useful spreads as an introduction to reading tarot cards. If you or somebody you know is on the job hunt, this spread is the one to use! Invoking the Angels of Love Tarot Spread. Begin your journey of self-discovery by uncovering how the planets have shaped you since the moment of your birth! The New Year Spread is a powerful, 12-card spread to start the year. The first card signifies a situation the individual is dealing with, the second is the action that needs to be taken, and the final card is the outcome to be expected. You can use it yourself, or help somebody else gain some perspective on their day with this simple 3 card spread. You can see the layout to the right, and here are the individual card meanings: This is a five card cross tarot spread you can use to investigate finding love. Daily Tarot Reading is an interpretation and study of the tarot cards one picks to find out about the happenings of the day and how one will fare in different aspects of life including love, life, career, finance, health, etc. Whether you are an experienced Tarot reader or just learning, this fabulously insightful reading contains a wealth of information which will provide you with answers about the kind of person you need for your next relationship to what your next partner is looking for as well as where your paths may … Firstly, remove the Two of Cups from the deck and place it … Often using a specific spread will elicit more information than a generic spread. The ‘Help I’m Single Again!’ Tarot Spread. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Career readings offer the chance to find clarity from the Source on an individual's future with their work, finances, and calling in life. Major Arcana. All Rights Reserved. You don’t have to freak out because it’s Mercury retrograde, you can just do the Mercury retrograde spread to gain insight into how best to use this transit to your advantage. Little Red Tarot Spreads: 21 Original Tarot Spreads. This last daily spread is another three card one that looks at the times of day. Gems Oracle Money Tarot Make A Wish Past Lives Power Tarot Lover's Triangle Yes or No Tarot Career Tarot Daily Tarot Friend or Foe Erotic Tarot Former Flame Card of the Day Justice. This is the most common and simple, and probably the easiest three card spread to get a handle on. Not only are there many different types of tarot card decks available, there are also many different spreads … Lookin’ For Love Tarot Spread This is a five-card spread. Before we get to the spreads, let’s talk about the energy of 2019. Get a Tarot Reading. The Full Moon Tarot Spread is a wonderful “check-in” spread. Also, the spread will reveal many different factors that will influence your future. Card 1: Subconscious or Conscious Reason for the Move/Relocation Card 2: Benefits or Positive Influences Related to Moving/Relocating Card 3: What You Must Release Before Going/What You No Longer Need Card 4: Outcome or Direction of the Move Card 5: Final Result After Moving Rel… More Tarot Readings. Looking for Love? Me too. Common Tarot Spreads. Privacy and Terms. As such, it's great to know a few tarot spreads for love and relationships. All of these spreads are linear spreads. Home to conversation on every aspect imaginable of reading and using the cards. A Yes/No Spread. This seven card spread can give some insight into a relationship and the problems being faced. You will get in touch with your own spiritual base, and find the ones that call to you. The three cards can create deep insight in core characteristics of the individual's mind, body, spirit, and whole experience. It's time to reveal your year ahead! These 7 spreads are designed to help you align regularly with this energy and consciously create the life you desire. In this spread, the first card represents the past, the second one represents the present, and the third one represents the future. PRODUCTS. Sometimes the day has things in store that we don't see coming. This is one of the most common ones I use for simple love tarot readings. This way, you can gain an understanding of how these spreads work and build confidence in your ability to read the cards. Future Love Tarot Spread. People have questions, and need help learning, and I am here to support you. It is relatively simple, but leave room for interpretation by the psychic or reader. Perhaps you are considering a new job or a move to a new home. Media. This spread is a great one for love, focusing mainly on the dynamics between an individual and their partner. Even though this isn’t “technically” a Tarot spread, I’m including the Daily … Useful as it gives tips and hints for what the querent can do to help themselves and what pitfalls there are to avoid. Learn Tarot. A 60-page e-book containing 21 of my favourite tarot spreads to cover all kinds of questions, plus all kinds of helpful tips about using and reading cards in tarot spreads, and a guide to creating your own!. So often we power through life, setting our intentions and taking action day after day, without ever pausing to reflect on how far we’ve come. With any of these tarot spreads, it can be useful to practice them a few times with a trusted friend or a loved one. In this spread, cards are arranged in a pyramid shape. More. There’s just something so inspiring about a fresh new year. If you've been wondering whether the universe can be fair, now is the time to start believing that you'll get the outcome that you deserve. Something new is emerging and you won’t be able to see it unless you allow the time and space for it to come through. This one is super self-explanatory, and leaves a little room for interpretation by the tarot reader. You can use the layout to the right, with the following meanings of cards. Seriously, you can get super deep with just three cards. Here is a Tarot spread you can use to discern what you need to know about your intended move or relocation. This trusty spread is really a whole lot of spreads that you can do at any time, for any occasion. Tarot Card Spreads for Beginners. And because I want you to manifest your best year yet, I’ve handpicked 7 Tarot card spreads for you to use at key times throughout the year. Also helpful if you’re searching for love. Plus, starting your day with a ritual like this sets you up for success – you'll be clearer on what you want to create and go through your day with more purpose and intention. The top row contains cards #1 and #2. Even though there will be challenges and times you may need to let go this year, stay optimistic. Use the power of this Year Ahead Tarot reading to gain insight, get clarity, find resolution, and make a transformation! Three card tarot spreads are one of the most common and simple ways to start. It gives insight into the current job search situation and what to do moving forward. The future looks bright as we move into a 4 year after this. Get My Chart » Free Love I Ching Reading. Checking The Direction: This is a good seven card Tarot spread for looking at the way things are heading in the querent's life i.e. The Celtic cross is a ten-card spread layout that dives into … Make the decision to connect with your intuition through the Tarot spreads at key points throughout the year (put it in the calendar at the beginning of the year) and you’ll be a manifestation machine! This spread is an original, traditional choice which will cover many different areas. ), or create your own 3 Card Spread to suit your situation. It doesn’t have to be like this! Get a Tarot Reading. Get personalized insight into the factors affecting your romantic situation by consulting the oracle now. If you're interested in learning more about reading tarot cards, I suggest checking out the Reading Tarot Cards Revelead course or the Ultimate Online Tarot Reading Course. This video gives more helpful info on the 3-card spread: 3) Tarot Spread for True Love. Most Tarot readers start off using the three card (or simple) spread and often move on to the Celtic Cross. This daily spread is super straightforward, and is one of the most basic in this category. These are what I believe to be the best for beginners, but remember you will have to learn to interpret the cards yourself. This is a pretty simple way to do a love reading. PLUS: 23 printable worksheets – perfect for tarot journalling.. Buy here Navigating your way through the year doesn’t have to be hard. When first learning to read tarot cards, a 3 card tarot spread is the perfect place to begin. Welcome to the Aeclectic Tarot Forum, the largest and oldest Tarot bulletin board community online. At one time or another people find it necessary to make a move, a physical move. The full moon is the perfect time to appreciate what you’ve manifested and release and let go anything that is no longer serving you (including your old goals and intentions). Our original eBook with 40 of the best spreads for pretty much everything; An extra 20 focused spreads for finding love and having the best love life possible; 20 more spreads just for personal growth, removing blocks and finding your life purpose; And - 19 new spreads to spice up your three card readings! That is three Wands so far and a fourth when we count in the Queen. All throughout your tarot reading experience, you will find that there are many different tarot spreads that cover all the different facets of life.. Each of these spreads have simple set ups and are easy to understand, which makes them great for both beginner tarot readers and for professional readers with clients who are new to tarot readings. Contact Us . Or can't find what you’re looking for? About Tarot Cards. The Four Chambers of the Heart Tarot Spread. The card may represent a characteristic of their personality, the presence of others in their life, or their general direction. Bonus! Without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most common questions I get asked is ‘when am I going to meet the man/woman of my dreams’. This spread also creates the opportunity for some powerful reflection journaling each month. You can also check out these guides I love on Amazon: Finding your first tarot deck can be hard. Here are a few great decks for beginners that we love. This spread is one of my favorite three card spreads as it can give really clear and pragmatic direction to the individual seeking help. This is the basic tarot spread I use with careers in general. 15 Tarot Spreads for Beginners - Love, Career, and More, The Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning. I have put together this list of tarot spreads for beginners to help you find a few useful spreads as an introduction to reading tarot cards. what trends are shown. The Love Star Tarot Spread. Here are a few of my favorite tarot spreads for careers. Tarot Spreads. The interview spread is a really neat way to introduce yourself to a new tarot deck and allow it to introduce itself to you. For those struggling with disagreements or confusion, this spread can help give some clarity. 2019. Read on, and enjoy! It is a Single Card Tarot Reading (One card spread). If those are the only spreads you ever wish to use - that's fine. For even more spreads, including seasonal spreads – check out the 2019 Biddy Tarot Planner. Make the Most of Your Year with a New Year Tarot Spread. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings; Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot … Minor Arcana. Getting into the habit of using these tools daily will make a huge difference for you in 2019. Lay it out in an L-shape, from top to bottom. Here you will find Tarot spreads to suit many different situations. Christmasy Tarot Card Spread Skip the busy malls and stay home instead – here’s a fun, festive Tarot spread for you to try… New Years Tarot Spread: Mapping Out Your Year Ahead! In this reading, the first card represents the individual and where they are currently. A tarot spread is a ritual way to lay out the tarot cards when you perform a reading. Tarot is a medium to unfold what the future holds. Essentially, it’s a conversation about your potential working relationship, where you can discuss the deck’s strengths and limits and discover the best way to approach and use these cards. Subscribe.
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