This is a work-in-progress guide, and we’ll be updating it in due course. Each zone in the game has a number of Aether Currents. Copy to clipboard failed. Subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest news and updates straight into your inbox. * Notifications for standings updates are shared across all Worlds. This one can be found to the west of The Inn at Journey’s Head. All the quests in Rak’tika are listed below: All the Aether Currents in Tempest are listed below: The first one is right at the entrance from Kahlusia, slightly south east from the entrance. As far as I can see, they are: Another method when it comes to how to unlock flying in Shadowbringers is to equip the Aether Compass. You’ll need to find all 15 of this ethereal collectables in each zone to fly through Shadowbringers. Quest: Eyes Bigger Than H… Recent Activity. We sometimes include relevant affiliate links in articles from which we earn a small commission. In this FFXIV Shadowbringers Aether Currents Location Guide, we will detail all the locations where you can find the Aether Currents. It is southeast of Ladle. You have to take the path that leads underneath the Ondo Cups. Rak'tika Sidequests. You’ll need to find all 15 of this ethereal collectables in each zone to fly through Shadowbringers. Interactive maps for Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, Stormblood and Heavensward. But don’t worry, this guide will also show you the quest location coordinates. Final Fantasy XIV Aether Currents allow you to soar through the skies of Eorzea and Hydealyn with a flying mount of your choice to let you lord it over your puny land-based compatriots. Il Mheg = 73 There are five quests in Kholusia that reward you with Aether Currents upon completion. All the Aether Currents in Rak’tika are listed below: This one is at the entrance from Lakeland, and it will be northeast. Below you’ll find where and how to get each collectable with the coordinates of the item, or of the NPC that proffers you the quest. These items can be picked up in fixed locations in each zone, but they are also offered as a reward for completing specific quests. Collecting an Aether Current of a zone will give you the ability to fly in the zone. X: 29.6, Y: 28.8, Z: 0.4 3. It will be in the corner at one of the tree stump. X 18.6 Y 18.4 In Radiscal’s Round. Kholusia. The Aether Current will be on a wooden platform. This Key Item tells you the direction and the distance away the nearest Aether Current in FF14 is. Post your comments below. The Aether can be found between the temples. So if you are looking to get all of them, you have to complete the quests as well. Compared to other lands, it is known for experiencing few sin eater attacks, a reputation which draws throngs of refugees to its shores. Kholusia Aether Current: Unlocked after finding field currents and on completion of Extinguishing the Last Light Main Scenario Quest and A Plankless Task, Village of Woe, A Disagreeable Dwarf, and Fugitive of Fear sidequests. This quest icon is used to indicate when quests free up new options, which is strictly what Aether Currents do. Completion Reward. Amh Araeng = 77 While the former might be a self-appointed role, it is acknowledged office-wide that it's just as essential, probably. There are various maps in the new expansion which brings the Aether Currents scattered around the locations. This one can be found a little northwest from The Exarch Gate, and to the east of The Belt. This one is northeast of Lydha Lran at the lake, and on one of the houses. * Notifications for standings updates are shared across all Worlds. This is straight east from Lydha Lran. Attune with all the aether currents in Kholusia. Here are all FF14 Aether Currents by zone: As you can see, there are a fair few of the translucent blighters to grab, and it’ll give you a new appreciation of the sheer scale this third expansion has to offer. It will be placed on the wooden platform. Players must attune/collect all 15 Aether Currents to unlock flying in that zone. Aether Current Copy Name to Clipboard. Il Mheg Sidequests. It will be on the wall between the purple tents. The Rat’Tika Greatwood Aether Currents Location Kholusia Aether Currents Location Lakeland Aether Currents Location. Kholusia = 79 This one is also northeast of Slitherbough, near the Bowrest. This one can be found in Seagazer area, which has a lighthouse. Go down at the ebach and jump on the rock. The Aether will be between the red mushrooms. Playing through the game will unlock quests that will reward you with the remaining Aether Currents. The quests are listed below: All the Aether Currents in Il Mheg are listed below: This one is near the spawn location, north of the point where you can go to Lakeland. 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X: 17.4, Y: 15.1, Z: 0.0 4. It will be on the hilld with the crystals. FFXIV Aether Currents Location Guide: Looking for Aether Current’s current location in Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers?If you answer is in affirmative, you have come to the right place. This one is also near Pla Enni, but a little south outside the cave right at the edge. It's worth noting that while you can collect a number of these Aether Currents while in Kholusia the first time, you can't complete the region until later in the main scenario. X: 35.7, Y: 16.7, Z: 1.6 5. This one is west of Mord Souq, but you can only get there by a cave from the far west entrance near Amarokeep, This one is found in Ladle that is south of the Twine.
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