Overview; Cheats & Hints; Questions; Videos; Boxshot & Details. ... LvL 5 Count Dooku. When the object is flying toward you, use the force on it to throw it back at him. Once the level begins, destroy the gold rocks on the right (with a machinegun), climb up #1_1 and go to the end of the platform. FREE IOS APP. #1: Not far in front of you as you begin. Count Dooku leads a Separatist movement which threatens the future of the Republic. By Head_Fish on June 17, 2011 Lego Star Wars 3, Minikits. For every level in the game, there are 10 minikit pieces to be found, for a total of 220. Minikits #1 #2_ For the first minikit, you have to destroy five ships flying throughout the location, marked with green arrows #1. Push it with the grappling hook (any clone) #1_2 and you will get the first minikit. Abschnitt 3: Geht von der Position des vierten Minikits auf dem Vorsprung bis zum äußersten linken Ende. Story mode. You can explore a whole lot in Lego Star Wars 3 since it also offers a free roam mode. Even you." 244 Comments. Wait for the machine to make coffee and destroy it #1_2. Lego Star Wars Saga - Episode 3 - Chapter 3 - General Grievous - Gameplay Walkthrough LSW TCS Walkthrough LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga 100% Guide 15 - General Grievous (All Minikits) Prologue Count Dooku - p. 1 Count Dooku - p. 2 Count Dooku - p. 3 Count Dooku - p. 4 Count Dooku - p. 5 General … Count Dooku Chapter 1: Battle of Geonosis Minikits. Minikit 1: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. Abschnitt 4: Spring hinab und aktiviert den Fahrstuhl über die Zielscheiben. The second is on an open space to the right of the last one #2_2. If you try to walk close to him he will force you back. Benötigtes Geld für Jedi Leiste: 3.000 Credits. You … So all you have to do is just stand where you are. Table of Contents. #2_1 #2_2. Secret Plans is a level from LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. To get the first minikit, you will have to destroy 5 coffee machines. All minikits in chapter 12 'Count Dooku' from LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Pictures of how to get every Minikit in the game. #3: To the right of the big skyscraper with all the torpedo targets on it. (HTG) Doug walks you through the level, Defenders of Peace, in LEGO Star Wars 3 The Clone Wars. #6: … The first can be found right at the beginning of the level. Walkthrough Count Dooku - Chapter 1 - Battle of Geonosis - Part 2 for Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars Home / Xbox 360 / 3DS Nintendo DS Nintendo Wii PC Playstation 3 PSP. Count Dooku "Powerful you have become, Count Dooku. Minikits #1 #2_1 . After doing this a few times, he will try to force lightning you. True Jedi: 80,000. After he loses 2-3 hearts, he will go into the corner. Game Guides & Walkthroughs . for iPhone and iPad. Lego Star Wars 3 Minikit Guide 30. There you should notice a sculpture with an orange grapple point. The dark side, I sense in you." Lego Star Wars: Minikits Wo befinden sich welche Minikits? Free Mobile App for you. Developer: Traveller's Tales; Publisher: Lucasarts; Genre: Action Adventure; Release: Mar 22, 2011; ESRB: Everyone 10+ Walkthroughs. The first is a bit down from the last #2_1. It is the fifth (or sixth) level of Attack of the Clones. Minikit 2: This minikit can be obtained in Story or Free Play mode. Chapter 1: Battle of Geonosis Minikits; Chapter … But you will notice that he uses his force to throw objects at you. Chapter 1 - Battle of Geonosis. True Jedi at 22,000: This is best done on Free Play, as you don't seem to get enough on Story. #1_3 #1_4. #3_1 #3_2. LEGO Star Wars 3 Minikits Locations Guide (Wii, PC, PS3, Xbox 360) 23 March 2011. Table of Contents. You will find it at the far left side of the area underneath a large rock. True Jedi: 120,000 . LSW III Guide. True Jedi: 85,000. Von dort aus überfliegt ihr den Abgrund und setzt den Greifhaken ein. By Mark_Raby 02 May 2011. #2: TIE: In the TIE Gate in the first area, out to your left. Chapter 1 - Duel of The Droids. Sub Menu. (HTG) Doug walks you through the level, Gungan General, in LEGO Star Wars 3 The Clone Wars. Walkthrough Count Dooku - Chapter 3 - Jedi Crash - Part 1 for Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars Home / Xbox 360 / 3DS Nintendo DS Nintendo Wii PC Playstation 3 PSP. While you're at it, you should note probes marked identically #2. Follow the guide below for a full walkthrough, the locations of all Mini-Kits, and the Red Brick.. This might sound daunting but most of them are easy to find. Posted by: Steve Anderson. Lego Star Wars III: minikit guide. Get on the palfrey ... LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Game Guide is also available in our Mobile App. #5: In the first force field area, go back and to the right. Minikits #1_1 #1_2 . LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga ... Vehicles/Minikits "Extra Toggle" Characters; Secrets and Unlockables; Main Unlocks; Extras; Secret Codes; Two Player Arcade ; Standard Guide Stuff; Legal; E-mail Guidelines; Credits; Version Updates; The Final Word; Episode III Walkthroughs Chancellor in Peril "I sense Count Dooku." 1 Opening Crawl 2 Data 3 Walkthrough 4 Collectables 5 Unlockables You start in a room as Princess Leia and Captain Antilles. You can unlock the minikit detector red brick that will show you where each of the minikits are. - Obi-Wan "Next move?" Count Dooku is a level from LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Part 11: Count Dooku and the Weapons Factory. Negotiations is the first level in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Minikits #1_1 #1_2. Cheats & Hints; Questions; Videos; Boxshot & Details. Sub Menu. Sub Menu. Chapter 1 BOUNTY HUNTER PURSUIT The Galactic Republic plunges ever deeper into crisis. Developer: Traveller's Tales; Publisher: Lucasarts; Genre: Action Adventure; Release: Mar 22, 2011; ESRB: Everyone 10+ Walkthroughs. =====LEGO STAR WARS: COMPLETE SAGA===== =====BLUE MINI KIT CHALLENGE GUIDE===== =====By Daniel "Neutropia" Ratliff===== =====Version 1.03 - 08/29/08===== ===== CONTENTS ===== INTRODUCTION - INTROD USING THIS GUIDE - USESOF VERSION HISTORY - VERHIS F.A.Q. Destroy them as well for another minikit. Geonosian Arena Minikits; Count Dooku. LEGO® Star Wars™ - Umbara Episode 1 Part 1Awesome original mini movies taking place in the LEGO® STAR WARS™ universe. It's finally here! Our Lego Star Wars 3 The Clone Wars Minikits Locations Guide shows all the minikits in the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and PC game. COUNT DOOKU Chapter 5 WEAPONS FACTORY. Below are time stamps for the collectibles in this level. Cheats & Hints; Questions; Videos; Boxshot & Details. Minikits #1_1 #1_2. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars for Xbox 360. #4: In front of the stoplight before the first tunnel. - Anakin "I sense a trap." #2_2 #2_3. Jetzt müsst ihr nur noch nach links gehen und schon erreicht ihr das Minikit. Game Guide. Story - Entry. Stack both piles of LEGO bricks to build two control panels to open the door. Das Minikit findet ihr hinter diesem Fahrstuhl. On the glittering city-planet of Coruscant, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker guard Senator Padme Amidala as mysterious assassins move against her .... Data [edit | edit source] II-1. Prologue. - Dooku. The first minikit is hidden behind the rocks #1. There are 10 mini-kits to be found in each mission. It threatens to unleash huge armies of battle droids and secret weapons to sway the balance of the Clone Wars. Turn 180 degrees and hit the wall in the left corner of the corridor #1_1. Chapter 3 -Jedi Crash. Below lists each and every mini-kit along with video of where each location is at in each mission. It is the first level of A New Hope. … Walkthrough Count Dooku - Chapter 1 - Battle of Geonosis - Part 2 for Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars Home / Playstation 3 / 3DS Nintendo DS Nintendo Wii PC PSP Xbox 360. Right as the mission begins, head to the left. Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master), Anakin Skywalker (Padawan), Yoda. Developer: Traveller's Tales; Publisher: Lucasarts; Genre: Action Adventure; Release: Mar 22, 2011; Platform: Xbox 360; ESRB: Everyone 10+ Walkthroughs. To get the second one, you will have to destroy 10 brown rocks with "flames". The immense weapons factory masterminded by Count Dooku's henchmen, Geonosian warlord Poggle the Lesser, nears completion. 's - FAQS00 QUICK TIPS - TIPSES WALKTHROUGH EPISODE 1 - Chapter 1 - EP1CH1 Chapter 2 - EP1CH2 Chapter 3 - EP1CH3 Chapter 4 - EP1CH4 Chapter … A stop motion recreation a year in the making. - Yoda "I have become more powerful than any Jedi.
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