I think its written like 45,000,000 but im not sure. And fifteen hundred, now that I think of it. This has always stumbled me, as when I have thought about it, it sounds like "half of two" which is 1, but technically it is "half of the second", which indicates that you already have the one, and you want just half of the second in addition. In regular conversation, one would probably hear one-point-five million, instead. The binary representation of half a million is 1111010000100100000, which has twelve zero digits. A million and a half = 1,500,000 = un millón y medio = 1.500.000 One million and a half = 1,000,000.5 = un millón (con/y) un medio = 1.000.000,5 However, I think that the difference between both expresions is very subtle in English and therefore it … It is roughly equal to the number of Americans killed in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War combined. This "over" form is also widely used in mathematics. This numbers to millions, billions, trillions, thousands, lakhs, crores calculator tool helps you to … While one-and-a-half million is correct, it sounds awkward and I daresay it is less commonly used. One million (1,000,000), or one thousand thousand, is the natural number following 999,999 and preceding 1,000,001. Here are four examples of how to write numbers above 999,999 in AP style: 1 million; 20 million; 20,040,086; 2.7 trillion. Multiplying the original number by this value will result in either an increase or decrease of the number by the given percent. The number 1 million in numbers is 1,000,000. EX: 500 increased by 10% (0.1) 500 × (1 + 0.1) = 550 500 decreased by 10% 500 × (1 – 0.1) = 450 When the number gets bigger it becomes difficult to convert it into a different monetary units. Interestingly, "a million and a half" and "a billion and a half" sound normal to my ear, with the meaning being 1.5 of each, but "a hundred and a half" and "a thousand and a half" don't. He asked me about counting to one million. I wish I could have taken you to exactly 10,000, however childish that might be. The number word phrase 2.75 million converts to numbers in standard notation as 2,750,000 and also scientific notation as 2.75 x 106. In regular conversation, one would probably hear one-point-five million, instead. Is publishing in open access journal a good impression? The global activity/year increased continuously from 10,000/year in 1991 to 82,718 first HSCT/year in 2016 with a global increase of >7% (7.0% in autologous and 7.8% in allogeneic HSCT). What will be the cost of 2 ½ dozen eggs? 1 0. charsein. How did the Rush 3D engine in Crazy Taxi: Catch a Ride work? What is the word for the set of words “million”, “billion”, “trillion”?   One million is a 1 with six zeros after it, denoted by 1,000,000. Source(s): ... .5 Million is a half of 1 million = 500,000. Still, at half a million, the toll recorded by Johns Hopkins University is already greater than the population of Miami or Kansas City, Missouri. It is important to know how to write larger numbers in … It is certainly acceptable and I would not consider it sloppy writing, at all. How hard is it to hear direct signals from vehicles on the surface of Mars, and has anyone other than the DSN done so? Eg: If you enter 'two thousand and fifty', you wil get the result as '2017'. If there is any chance of someone interpreting "one and a half million" to be 1,000,000.5, using hyphens will help ("One-and-a-half million"). Wealthier countries aren’t doing nearly enough to share the cost of protecting people who have left everything behind. In 2019, only half a per cent of the world’s refugees were resettled. Congratulations. probably because “a half a hundred” and “a half a thousand” are not quantities that people typically speak of. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Oh and it feels good to have the power to pull you back again too, though I must share this power with many others. How to write £1 million where style guide clashes. What level of understanding should you have of Quantum Physics to write a hard science fiction novel? It is akin to a 9/11 every day for nearly six months. So, in that sense, both can be considered acceptable. Over the past decade, just over 1 million refugees were resettled, compared to 3.9 million refugees who returned to their country. When are Roman Numeral suffixes appropriate for number abbreviations? Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. (Compare this to saying "fifteen thousand hundred", which you'd have a hard time calling "acceptable".). Assuming a frequency of 84,000/year, 1.5 million HSCT will be reached in 2019, only 7 years after the 1 million report in 2012 (Figure 1). I talk with a lot of millionaires in my travels and, for a long time, a $1 million nest egg was the measure of … By Rodney Brooks , Contributor Jan. 18, 2019 How often does the number 1,000,000.5 come up? They’d say “fifty” or “five hundred”. . Whereas with "a million" (or "a dozen," for that matter) you perceive the discrete units, and then appending "a half" to those could be ambiguous. At least I was the one to push you over it. The coronavirus has claimed more American lives than all of the U.S. soldiers, sailors and airmen killed in World War II. What is the atmospheric pressure gauge pressure and absolute pressure and relation between them? I hope that makes sense! site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Ten: 10 (1 zero) Hundred: 100 ... For example, you write one million as 1,000,000 rather than 1000000. Every so often, I come across the phrase "a million and a half X" - which always strikes me as strange: it suggests 1000000.5 of the thing. Why would the military use tanks in a zombie apocalypse? 1 decade ago. Why is clothing turned inside-out my weakness? Just type in any box and the result will be calculated automatically. how do you write 4.5 million in numbers? This online calculator allows you to convert text into numbers. There are several examples of the -and-a-half construction, in which half consistently refers to the preceding unit: Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language & Usage Stack Exchange! What aspect of portable floating point did Java back down on? Writing in Number Form: When writing down a number, we can write it with words or in number form. How do your write 2.5 million? One million is a thousand thousands. The U.S. reached the half-million … When figures are used, one often sees a hyphen where there is no justification for it: $10-loss. Or is it just sloppy writing/editing? What was the last non-monolithic CPU to come to market? One million seconds is about 11 and a half days. Four percent of $1 million is $40,000. When a number, including a number with a fraction, is used as a quantifier, it is not hyphenated (e.g., two and half years). In fact, if you had $1 million in dollar bills, it would literally weigh a ton and take you about 12 days to count it all. Below is a listing—including all the zeros—for the numbers up to decillion—a little more than just half the numbers listed in the above table. When numbers are used as the first part of a compound adjective, use a hyphen to connect them to the noun that follows them. Examples of creative experiments by mathematicians in modern days. 4 million is 4,000,000 so 4.5 must be 4,500,000. You treat the 3 as a comma. two and a half million. What quantity is calculated by multiplying three dimensions length width and height? What is a data set with two modes called? This calculator converts a number word phrase such as 2.75 million into its numerical equivalent. One million pennies stacked on top of each other would make a tower nearly a mile high. If I were told by my editor to only write "one and a half million", I would consider that a reasonable edit. Author has 1.7K answers and 1.2M answer views The decimal representation of half a million is 500000, which has five zero digits. 3.5 million is the same as saying 3,500,000. If that, along with any expected Social Security or pension payments, will let you maintain your … While one-and-a-half million is correct, it sounds awkward and I daresay it is less commonly used. Just enter the number and select the unit to view its equal value in the other units. If you want to go down that road of possible ambiguity, then "one and a half million" could also be interpreted as 1 + 500,000, right? English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. 500,000,000 five hundred million 1,000,000,000 is one billion. Fractions together with an integer are read as follows: 1 1/2 is "one and a half" 6 1/4 is "six and a quarter" 7 … Need help identifying or locating pieces - 4-stud T-shaped plates. 1.5 million, on the other hand, comes up all the time. Today, out of a nation of nearly 329 million people, 1.3 million Americans are in active duty military, and another 800,000 serve in the … but then thought, the large numbers (like 658,243) take more than a second to say. If the number is used as a compound adjective or noun, then hyphens should be used (e.g., two-and-a-half-year journey). This is as incorrect as ten-dollar-loss. In conversation, I think you'll hear both of these phrasings used for 1.5 million with very little confusion, because everyone will assume you mean 1.5 million. By anyone’s standards, $1 million is a lot of money. In norwegian we have a strange expression for 1.5 that translates to something like "half-second", which basically means "half way to the second from the first". 1.2 expressed as a fraction is 1 and 2/10. The digital representation of half a million in other bases would have other numbers of zeros. rev 2021.2.26.38670, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. @Cerberus: Actually, I did have exactly 10,000 earlier tonight but then voted down someone's answer! 1.5 million in numbers is 1,500,000. Half a million = 1,000,000 / 2= 500,000 or optionally written … Ten-dollar loss and two-hundred-million-dollar loss follow standard rules; the spelled-out numbers are like any other words used in compounds. Fantasy novel about a medieval society formed by the descendants of human colonists, on a planet that brings their nightmares to life, Unscheduled exterminator attempted to enter my unit without notice or invitation, Compiling a .dtx file requires the compiled .sty, this circular dependency seems like a catch-22 to me, Explicit abelianization functor for groups. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? When $1 Million in a 401(k) Is Really $600,000 You aren't really a millionaire if you have $1 million in a tax-deferred retirement account. “One in a million” or “A million to one”? By examining historical precedents, Melissa Kearney and Phillip B. Levine predict a significant drop in pregnancies in the wake of the COVID-19 … With the indefinite article, the half usually comes after the million: a million and a half. I'm not sure why this is. How to convince plumber that there is a gas leak? Is the first form actually acceptable, though? I would use any of them with 'one' (or 'a(n)'), but to me "two days and a half" sounds stilted. The difference is that with the time units, "X and a half" doesn't sound as odd because they are indeed perceived as a single unit - not as 60 minutes, or 30 days, or whatever. Convert number and word combinations into numbers only. ... can you saw me how can you write one and a half million in digits. Looked on the web a little to see if anyone else had done a more sophisticated calculation. I would regard the noun phrase "a million and a half" as meaning "a million and a half [million]", but I would disfavor using such phrasing as a count adjective. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? @Colin Fine: I will admit that example sounded odd to me, too, but it seemed grammatically, when I created it. 4,500,000. In reality, the context will be such that nobody will be confused no matter which of the two you use. . what is the simplest form of sugar derived from carbon dioxide water and sunlight. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. I was taught to use instead "one and a half million" to be unambiguous. America's two most influential style and usage guides have different approaches: The Associated Press Stylebook recommends spelling out the numbers zero through nine and using numerals thereafter—until one million is reached. When did organ music become associated with baseball? Why was the Arkenstone left when Smaug attacked the Lonely Mountain? I don't think I have ever used such a construction, so I'll take it out. half or quarter) as part of a compound adjective, it should be hyphenated so the reader understands which fraction is modifying which noun. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Half a million people killed by COVID-19 in one year is twice the number of people buried in the massive Crown Hill Cemetery the past 158 years. . One half million = 500,000 In Roman numerals, this is: D with a line above it 1.5 million = 1,500,000 In Roman numerals, this is MD with a line above … @Kosmonaut: Hah, what, was this masochism or sadism? But there is one exception to the standard rules. Both mean three and a half million (more). Alternatively, and for greater numbers, one may say for 1/2 "one over two", for 5/8 "five over eight", and so on. The U.S. has surpassed 500,000 deaths from the novel coronavirus, even as case numbers trend downward and vaccination efforts proceed. The number 1.2 million, however, simply means the number given, 1.2, multiplied by 1 million. I need to know this in like 3 hours could someone help.   If you earn $45,000 a year, it would take 22 years to amass a fortune of 1 million dollars. As a number it is: 500,000 = half a million. Context is really important. Extremely rarely. Use this calculator to find percentages. For example, we can write ten or 10. Going back to our example, 3 becomes “three million,” and 251 becomes “two hundred fifty-one thousand.” All together, we get “three million, two hundred fifty-one thousand, four hundred sixty-nine.” If the number isn't whole, like 0.42, the process is just a little bit different. “A million and a half” vs. “one and a half million”, Visual design changes to the review queues, “Give me one half of that” Vs. “give me half of that”. If 1 dozen eggs cost $18.00. Thanks! When writing fractions, hyphenate between the numerator and the denominator (e.g., two-thirds, three-fifths). It only takes a minute to sign up. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. This converter may be useless, but it is funny :) Half of an American billion is 500,000,000 (500 million). It’s funny, I know the answer, but I’ve forgotten the reasoning behind it. Calculator 1: Calculate the percentage of a number. Refer to the example below for clarification. :). So the total is $4,500,000. half a million := 1 000 000 / 2 = 500 000 How do you write half a million in numbers? I did a little math (assuming one number per second) and got about 11-12 days . Why are certain spaceships capable of warp at a moment's notice while others require some preparations? In this kind of one-way communication, you only have one chance to get your message across, so you should make sure it is understood. However, in a publication of some kind, it is probably seen as better, clearer writing to use "one and a half million". How do you write one and a half million in figures? How do you write one and a half million in figures. With the indefinite article, the half usually comes after the million: a million and a half. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. This… When using a fraction (e.g. 1 0. yo_girl41. The word is derived from the early Italian millione (milione in modern Italian), from mille, "thousand", plus the augmentative suffix -one. Words to Numbers Converter / Calculator.
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