Att - 252 HP - 4 Sp. Drapion @ Scope Lens/ Razor Claw Ability: Sniper EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant or Jolly Nature. ... Pokemon Sword and Shield Isle of Armor Competitive Smogon OU Wi-Fi Battle - Duration: 42:42. Stoutland @ Leftovers Nature - Adamant Ability - Intimidate EV's - 252 Att - Def 120 - Sp. Good coverage against psychic and ghost. Snipe shot. Showderp: i literally kill this with weedle edition - "/vp/ - Pokémon" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to discussing the Pokémon series of video games and shows. Set-up the Toxic Spikes and then use STAB Cross Poison and STAB Night Slash with high critical hit ratios supported by Sniper and a Scope lens/Razor Claw. Item: Scope Lens EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed Moves: Focus Energy Blaze Kick Night Slash Stone Edge/High Jump Kick/Double Kick Blaze Kick will be the primary attacking move, Night Slash is for KOing opposing Psychic and Ghost type mons, Stone Edge is for flying types or you can use Double Kicks after focus energy to break subs, or high jump kick if you're willing to take the risk. Tyrantrum @ Life Orb Welcome to Smogon! I think it's worth noting, instead of saying just it is 30% accurate. It has a 10% chance of poisoning the opponent. Protect, Meteor Beam and more! It increases the holder's critical hit ratio. answered May 5, 2012 by Cash. Kingdra (M) @ Scope Lens Trait: Sniper EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd Timid Nature - Focus Energy - Drco Meteor - Scald - Ice Beam. The Moves: Leaf Storm is a great STAB move that doubles Lurantis' Special Attack stat thanks to Contrary, making it even stronger. No evasion moves, no Ubers, etc. Pokemon Sword & Shield Coalossal moves, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2021 Series 8. View strategies and more for Aegislash on the Smogon Strategy Pokedex. Dialga- adamant orb 25. Regice- scope lens 19. IVs: 0 Atk - Dazzling Gleam - Heat Wave - Protect - Follow Me. Flying Power. Flare Blitz, Power Whip and more! Ability: Sniper. New; 42:42. Scope Lens. 15. Moon Stone A Moon Stone can be found in the basement floor of Mt. Cobalion- focus band 29. Blaziken can utilize Scope Lens + Focus Energy for fun. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe. Def Moveset - Aqua Jet - Aura Sphere - Dark Pulse - Water Pulse . Item: Scope lens EV's: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 SpD. The Aide is located at the lookout station between Route 11 and 12. Scope Lens Not Available. Pokemon Sword & Shield Rillaboom moves, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2021 Series 8. answered Feb 20, 2013 by Extremespeed. A reasonable Speed stat allows Kingdra to outpace metagame staples such as Nidoqueen, Mega Blastoise, and Necrozma, and it can take advantage of its typing to use Pokemon like Milotic and Bronzong as setup fodder. Giratina- griseous orb 26. Calm Nature. Ability: Super Luck. Contributions & Corrections. Moon, on the second basement floor of Rocket Hideout beneath Rocket Game Corner, and to the northwest of Team Rocket's HQ in Five Island. Absol! commented Jul 10, 2014 by TheSinful. 0 votes . Icicle Spear, Protect and more! Power doubles if the user has no held item. IVs: 0 Atk - Helping Hand - Hyper Voice - Moonblast - Protect. Holder's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD. Pokemon Sword & Shield Centiskorch moves, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2021 Series 8. Def 120 - HP 16 Moveset - Retaliate - Play Rough - Wild Charge - Crunch. Azelf- eject button 23. Mesprit- expert belt 22. For those unfamiliar with Critical Hit mechanics: - Critical hits have three stages now - Stage 1 has a 1/8 chance of crit, Stage 2 has a 1/2 chance of crit, Stage 3 has a 100% chance of crit. Focus energy. Might wanna consider replacing Ice Beam with Flash Cannon to deal with Fairy types. Home. Ability: Liquid Voice . Primarina @ Life Orb. Palkia- lustrous orb 24. I think it should be in UU or … Banned items are: Quick Claw, Razor Claw, Razor Fang, Scope Lens, King's Rock, Focus Band, Soul Dew, Lax Incense, and Brightpowder; Banned Pokemon are: Shedinja, Ditto, and Riolu; For Hackmons, the only rule is no weather inducing moves or abilities, as well as no Trick Room and no Gravity. Grassy Glide, Fake Out and more! 0 votes [email protected] black sludge nature: +sp att -att EV's: 252 def/ 100 hp/ 152 sp def/ 4 sp att moves: clear smog toxic/ will-o-wisp flamethrower pain split/ stockpile. This amplifies Blaziken's critical hit rate on regular moves to 100% and, because critical hits ignore stat drops, Blaziken can freely spam Overheat and Superpower at 150% damage without suffering from the offensive stat drops unless it hits a foe that has Shell Armor or Battle Armor or is shielded by Lucky Chant. Like I said before, works well with focus energy, scope lens etc. Cresselia-bright powder 28. Kingdra's niche in RU is carved by its ability to break past Pokemon such as Cresselia and Umbreon thanks to Sniper, Focus Energy, and Scope Lens. Uxie- wise glasses 21. According to Smogon, OHKO moves accuracy is calculated as follows: Accuracy = ((User Level - Target Level) + 30)% Gabriel Rocha (Diby esp) 05:44, 14 June 2009 (UTC) That is correct.-- F orce F ire 07:14, 14 June 2009 (UTC) So, shouldn't this be in this article and also Fissure, Sheer Cold, Guillotine and Horn Drill? answered Dec 27, 2013 by Mewderator. NU Analyses. 18. 30. Accuracy. I think its scope lens that ups accuracy Role=Special sweeper Trait= Levitate Modest nature Dark Pulse Fire Blast Thunder Explosion. Thread starter YatinK; Start date 12 minutes ago; YatinK. Terrakion- muscle band 30. Togekiss @ Scope Lens. Add the Scope Lens, and this move should have about a 1/2 critical hit ratio. Forums. Pokemon Sword & Shield Cloyster moves, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2021 Series 8. 12 minutes ago #1 Inteleon is a god with sniper and scope lens. This page was last edited on 31 October 2020, at 11:44. Acrobatics. Nature: Timid; EVs: 252 SpA; 4 SpD; 252 Spe; Sample sets. 55. Lurantis @ Scope Lens / Assault Vest Ability: Contrary EVs: 150 Atk / 150 SpA / 208 Spe Serious Nature - Leaf Storm - Superpower - Leech Life / Giga Drain - Night Slash / Psycho Cut. Regigigas- red card 20. Content Creation . This move pretty much guarantees critical hits, especially with the scope lens, sniper ability and snipe shot. Psychic Power — Accuracy — PP. Drapion Pokémon Pokédex providing all details on moves, stats, abilities, evolution data and locations for Pokémon Sword & Shield Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon. Pokemon Sword & Shield Crown Tundra Togekiss moves, abilities, and EV spreads for Isle. SCOPE LENS TOGEKISS CRITS EVERYTHING! Overview. Clawitzer @ Scope Lens Nature - Modest Ability - Mega Launcher EV's - 252 Sp. Formats: NU; Moves. Pokemon Sword & Shield Malamar moves, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2021 Series 8. If this Pokemon strikes with a critical hit, the damage is multiplied by 1.5. Dazzling Gleam, Follow Me and more! 100%. Cross Poison: STAB, and has a high critical hit ratio. Virizion- focus band 31. -The following items- Brightpowder, Focus Band, King’s Rock, Lax Incense, Quick Claw and Scope Lens- are not allowed.-Standard tournament clauses as observed on Smogon are in effect. Ice beam / mud shot. Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon. It attaches to a Pokémon for one turn; if a Pokémon attached with a Magnifier attacks, it ignores Resistance. Overview. I'd replace Scald for Hydro Pump and use a Modest Nature instead of a Timid Nature. Heatran- white herb 27. camion de pompier électrique musical et lumineux le camion de pompier avance au son de la musique et s'illumine le véhicule est multidirectionnel. Dazzling Gleam, Follow Me and more! PP. Timid Nature. The Scope Lens (Japanese: ピントレンズ Focus Point Lens) is a type of held item introduced in Generation II. Pokemon Sword & Shield Togekiss moves, abilities, and EV spreads for VGC 2021 Series 8. Draipon@Scope Lens/Razor Claw Ability: Sniper EVs: 252 Atk / 180 Def / 76 HP Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -Sp.Atk) - Toxic Spikes - Cross Poison - Night Slash - Knock Off/Pursuit. THATSAplusONE 68 views. Powerful STAB; Dark pulse. Main article: Magnifier (Neo Destiny 101) The Magnifier, which has the same Japanese name as the Scope Lens, was released as a Trainer card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English Neo Series (the Japanese Neo Era) in Neo Destiny.The card has never been reprinted. Check out the results of the 2020 Smog Awards! Inteleon. Agility. Itemfinder Given by Professor Oak's Aide once you've captured at least 30 species of Pokemon. Psycho Cut, Superpower and more! With decent Speed and Defense stats, a good offensive movepool, and a good defensive typing, Skorupi manages to find itself a niche in the Little Cup metagame.
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