While it is caused by a stuck firing pin, you need not know it or how to “fix” it. LOL. A friend of mine had a slam fire on the range and I told him how to tear the rifle down and clean the bolt as we drove home. Military term, when a weapon discharges unintentially. Couple of us shot it a few times with no issues. Oh yeah, blame the SKS for being “Notorious”. There are more firearms with free-floating firing pins than without…. YouTube - SKS slam fire + the cure There are some cases where these firing pins should be considered and a some where you really shouldn't. You should also know that when the m16 was first designed it was denting primers substantially. Reply. You must log in or register to reply here. Somehow the firing pin got stuck in the forward position turning the rifle from a closed bolt to an open bolt design. Also, sweet chicken wing (pictured left) when he starts shooting. The so called slamfire is a perfectly legal way to rock n roll. I own five SKS rifles (Russian Tula, Russian Ishevesk, 60s Chinese factory 26, Yugo 59/66, a Norinco Model D [the factory AK mag conversion], and a Norinco “paratrooper”) and all likely have at least a thousand rounds through them. I think that’s what idiots are notorious for. I will make a video of it denting the primer on a round and then remove the bolt and mail it to anyone who doesnt believe its clean. The Yugos are among some of the finest examples of the SKS, maybe if it was one of those Estonian rifles that hit market a few years back that looked like they’d been manufactured by blind monkeys in a mud pit I could see it slam firing…only the bravest of the brave could have thought that putting live ammunition through those beasts was a good idea. I spoke to Murry at length and he commented that sometimes he thinks the bolts and carriers have had something done to them on purpose. I bought an SKS recently from a pawn shop. SKS rifles are designed with a Free Floating Firing Pin and as such can be prone to Accidental Discharge or "Slam Fire's" if the firing pin should happen to get stuck in the out position. However on my turn I put a new mag in and charged the weapon. SKS and AK are both free floating fireing pin systems. Ran a pipe cleaner through it and blew compressed air through it. The mass of the pin plus the inertia allows it to dent the primer guys. SKS Firing Pins While our Firing Pin Kits always have and always will have a 100% guarantee against “Slam-Fires,” if you are interested in our firing pin because your “original” firing pin has been damaged/bent/broken, please view this … Shooters accustomed to firearms requiring trigger activation for discharge may be unprepared for a slamfire discharge. My SKS and i are offended by this trash D:< So is the M1 Garand and the M14 mechanism. If sticking your elbow out was good enough for the vets, it’s good enough for these scrotes. Ok I bought a SKS yogo I think anyway it slam fires. ... done by a few smiths here in the states was so people could shoot commercial ammo with soft primers with no worry of slam fire. And if it’s so notorious for slamfiring, don’t chamber a round with the muzzle nearly pointed at your friend, or in the direction of your vehicle! Also, I am glad the Garand shown didn’t have the ‘evil’ free floating firing pin, I would hate to think that the millions of them (and M14 and M16 and M4) were produced with such dysfunction. Never even heard of it till I came here. SKS rifles are designed with a Free Floating Firing Pin and as such can be prone to Accidental Discharge or "Slam Fire's" if the firing pin should happen to get stuck in the out position. The SKS-45 rifle will never win any beauty contests, nor will it be the basis for a fine sporting rifle. While it is caused by a stuck firing pin, you need not know it or how to “fix” it. Clean your weapon. Thought it might have been the old "firing pin taper gets the thing stuck in the bolt" issue, so I sent the bolt assembly to Murray's Gunsmithing in Bowie, Texas, for their bolt/firing pin magic. They had no muzzle awareness the entire video. SKS slam fire If I take it to the range, sometime during to shoot, it will decide to slam fire when it feels like it. A slamfire is a discharge of a firearm occurring as a cartridge is being loaded into the chamber. The investigators of this were shocked that it wasn’t firing after every chambering when they calculated the mass and velocity of the original firing pin design. My father is giving me an SKS so not sure which country it came from if it even matters. It fits great and scrubs the hell out of it! Also, use very little if any oil on the pin or in the firing pin channel, excess can and will attract soot and small debris during firing, and you will be back at risk of slam fire. Loaded in 10 rounds. While it is caused by a stuck firing pin, you need not know it or how to “fix” it. So not sure there. SKS Slam Fire Demo (and a fix) Posted August 17, 2010 in Rifles by Steve Johnson with 30 Comments Tags: rifle, rifles, sks. how to stop sks slam fire February 16, 2021 Uncategorized No Comments Uncategorized No Comments Hey I know these guys (only through youtube). With the bolt in your hand, shake it and listen/feel for the fireing pin to move freely... it should rattle. It fires the same round as the AK47, but the additional 6-7 inches of barrel on the SKS provides for better accuracy, muzzle velocity and downrange power, … Actually, never had a slam fire period. Note that due to slamfire, the SKS fires multiple rounds one after another continuously like a fully-automatic rifle, even though it is actually designed as a semi-automatic rifle and it manages to do this despite the facts that the user's finger is off the trigger AND the safety is enabled! The Yugos are among some of the finest examples of the SKS, maybe if it was one of those Estonian rifles that hit market a few years back that looked like they’d been manufactured by blind monkeys in a mud pit I could see it slam firing…only the bravest of the brave could have thought that putting live ammunition through those beasts was a good idea. All did not slam fire with steel cased ammo. The slam fire I had was in an M, and I owned plenty of SKS's over the years. Fresnel. Any suggestions would be appreciated. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Rating - 0%. A surplus sks rifle he picked up for 600. High quality, replacement firing pin uses the original, pre-’51 Russian design to eliminate the potential for accidental slam-fires and uncontrollable full-auto operation associated with the current production, free-floating type firing pin. Oddly, my Russkies, the Factory 26, and the Yugo do pretty well for “combat accuracy” out to 200+ yards. https://www.mountsplus.com/buffer-technologies-sks-recoil-buffer.html
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