We will learn why the Living Church of God has not embraced, endorsed or promoted this "remarkable discovery." While this sounds amazing, we need to ask—just how credible are these claims, and how trustworthy is the methodology behind the Bible code? But who were these sages who gave birth to the legend? In the original Hebrew alphabet, each pictograph represented a letter of the alphabet, a number, and had a symbolic meaning. Or, is it a passing fad and a hoax? Kabbalists "saw themselves as transmitters of divine secrets" that they alone could glean from Scripture (Ibid.). We are told in the Bible that "surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). If the number below is 120 letters more, and so forth, than that means that that bible code would then be at 120-letter sequences. Would God totally contradict His own inspired word and do things in a manner just the opposite of what He has told us He would do? They basically saw him as a crackpot, and although they stood by the existence of these codes they did not believe that these codes could be used to spontaneously predict the future, instead saying that the codes only worked when looking back through the past in hindsight, when the searchers specifically knew what they were looking for. 2 Peter 1:19–20 tells us that God has given a more sure word of prophecy to His Church, and that no prophecy is to be interpreted privately. To make it all even more bizarre, Drosnin claimed to not even believe in God, and instead theorized that these messages had all been implanted into the Bible by aliens from outer space. Nevertheless, Drosnin stuck by his assertion that only the Bible held the true codes. Drosnin goes on to assert, "The Bible is a warning of sudden and inevitable doom. In as early as the 13th century rabbi Bachya ben Asher had been finding messages hidden in the Hebrew Bible, or Torah, and in later years there were various attempts to decipher hidden messages within the Hebrew Bible and Old Testament, notably by the famed inventor Isaac Newton. There is nothing hidden or secret about this matter—it is obvious—when you compare the Bible code to the Bible! But is that true? He is not affiliated in any way with God’s Church. Are there secret messages in the Bible? (Deuteronomy 30:11) An online book entitled The Divine Inspiration of the Bible by Arthur W. Pink is a great apologetic on the divine inspiration of the Bible.. The Time a Circus Showman was Cursed by His Own Freaks, 90-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Was the First of its Kind Found in Asia, Here’s Why There Were No Medium-Sized Carnivorous Dinosaurs (Except in the Movies), Mysterious Tribes With Mind-Bending Concepts of Time, A Mysterious Unexplained Smell Has Returned to Pennsylvania, La Llorona and Other Spooky Tales and Accounts of Wailing Spirits, A Bizarre History of Perpetual Motion Machines. I don’t think the code makes predictions. Secrets of the Hebrew Bible reveal hidden truths that have been lost through the English translation." Paul is clear that there are some mysteries in the gospel when he wrote to the Ephesians in 3:3-6 “the mystery was made known to me by revelation, as I have written briefly. Amazing study tool! Bible Codes: “In 5781 Most Living Things Exterminated” Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, an expert in Bible codes, prepared a video using special software to find hidden clues in equidistant letters in the Torah referring to a verse in Zechariah describing the end-of days.. These aren’t even the weirdest of Drosnin’s claims and information and predictions from the Bible codes. Download Advanced Bible Decoder Pro today! The Bible code was discovered in the original Hebrew version of the Old Testament, The Bible as it was first written. Think about it! For Drosnin, "the code will save," not Jesus Christ! A warning is encoded in the Bible so that we can prevent the threatened Apocalypse… The message of the Bible code is that we can save ourselves" (Ibid., pp. Michael Drosnin appears to arrive at some of his startling predictions by a process of creative mistranslation. Deborah Schmidt Tulsa, Oklahoma Masters of Divinity Masters of Biblical Literature "Praise Adonai for Rabbi Moshe Rothchild and the Israel Alliance Organization for providing Holy Spirit breathed "Secrets of the Hebrew Bible". According to legend, it was the way Moses received the Bible from God—contiguous, without break of letters" (Drosnin, p. 25). Other criticism quickly followed as well, with many experts decrying the methods used to come up with these predictions. The Bible code promotes a mystical, Kabbalist interpretation of the Bible that ignores the plain message of Scripture. Kabbalists teach that God is an androgynous being who is indescribable and unknowable. In Numbers 26:64, "[the men] numbered by Moses" becomes in Drosnin’s book "the code will save." The Bible also warns that we should not listen to or be deceived by diviners (Jeremiah 27:9; 29:8). I don’t believe in God. Dr. Ronald Hendel writes, "every known ancient Hebrew manuscript of the Bible, including every manuscript of the traditional Masoretic text, has a different number of letters. The Hidden Code Of The Hebrew Language. The biblical texts on which Drosnin and other code researchers focus their attention clearly forbid divination (Leviticus 19:26; Deuteronomy 18:9–14). One of the code researchers explains, "according to mystical sources in Jewish tradition, the Torah can be read and understood on many levels, including the level of a hidden text" (Weldon, p. 20). We will see what history reveals about Bible code methodologies, and—more importantly—how the statements of Bible code enthusiasts compare to actual statements in Scripture. People who speculate and argue over Scripture and seek hidden meanings that contradict the obvious message will not understand the Bible. Solomon also wrote, "in the multitude of counselors there is safety" (Proverbs 11:14; 15:22). Then of course there is the fact that many of Drosnin’s predictions were just plain wrong. We must be cautious and carefully evaluate what is being said. Copyright © Mysterious Universe. Yet when you take the time to read books and articles that critique the research methods and conclusions of code promoters (getting a multitude of counsel) an entirely different picture emerges—one that has some pretty big and dangerous holes. God says "I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place… I declare things that are right" (Isaiah 45:19). Although some variant of this basic technique has been around for centuries, it remained rather obscure until the 1980s, when mathematicians Eliyahu Rips and Yoav Rosenberg, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, looked into these codes and did a formal study of them in 1985, which came to be known as the “Great Rabbis Experiment.” They would go on to claim that they had derived various biographical information and birth and death dates concerning various rabbis encoded into the Old Testament centuries before any of them had even been born, and also insisted that their findings were beyond explainable by random statistical chance. I’m a total skeptic" (Drosnin, p. 181). In this article, we will examine what has been discovered and written about the Bible code by its promoters and its critics. Alef One is one of the most complex and compelling codes discovered in Genesis 1:1. If one knows the precise number of spaces to skip in any given passages, they can supposedly take those separated letters and isolate them to link them together to form new words and messages that have been hidden there. But is the Bible code real? But the real message of the Bible code is just the opposite. That letter-number thus represents the letter immediately to the left of it. To find the Bible code, he mentions that researchers "eliminated all the spaces between the words, and turned the entire original Bible into one continuous letter sequence, 304,805 letters long" (Ibid.). While Drosnin may mean well, this is truly a different Gospel—which the Bible condemns (see Galatians 1:6–9). ABD bible code software provides best tools and quality matrices results for bible code research. What prompted researchers to look for a code with a computer? Paul admonished Timothy to "be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. The Bible code, also known as the Torah code, is a purported set of encoded words hidden within the Hebrew text of the Torah, that according to its proponents, have seemingly predicted significant historical events. 71–74; Christianity Today, July 12, 1999, p. 60; Hendel, "The Secret Code Hoax," Bible Review, August 1997. Drosnin also claims to be able to predict the future using Bible codes, yet leading code experts flatly state "it is impossible to use the Torah codes to predict the future… most of Drosnin’s claims are unreliable" (Weldon, pp. But the mathematical code exists only in Hebrew, because that is … They would say of Drosnin’s work: It is literally impossible to make future predictions based on codes. Hidden Codes, Numerology and the Bible "For this commandment which I command thee this day, IT IS NOT HIDDEN FROM THEE, neither is it far off." THE BIBLE CODES: SECRETS IN HEBREW 1 (part 2 of 2) See part 1 for video description. No knowledge of Hebrew necessary - You can search the Hebrew Scriptures for hidden codes without ANY knowledge of Hebrew! Is it credible? They are more interested in finding hidden messages than following the clear instructions of Scripture. I have heard several theories that there are numeric values in the Bible and that we can use these numbers to find hidden meanings in the Bible. Interest in predictions runs high—especially at the beginning of a new millennium! Today people use Ouija boards, tarot cards, astrology, crystal balls—and, most recently, computer programs that eliminate all the spaces between letters in the Bible and search for "hidden" messages in reassembled words! Is it of God? He became rather obsessed with the idea of these encrypted codes from God, and spent a large amount of time pouring through the pages of the Old Testament looking for such messages, which he believed could be used to predict the future. Computers were then programm… Their prophecies were often warnings of what would happen if people would not repent and obey God. Coy mentions it is worth studying Drosnin’s book "because his methodology is so bad that it’s a valuable example of how not to read data" (Business Week, June 16, 1997). Religious texts of the world have always held a deep sense of allure, fascination, and mystery, and mankind has for centuries pored through them trying to glean some meaning to their existence from them, studying their teachings and looking for hidden contexts and interpretations behind what they have to say. Historical sources offer very interesting answers! 134, 137). We will also learn some important lessons about how to evaluate sensational new information—even when that information appears to promote God and the Bible! Instead, we are going to lay out some interesting hid-den secrets in the pages of the Holy Scriptures which might otherwise escape the casual reader. "My Scroll is shut up (kept a secret) to you (O Israel). Tags Bizarre code Hebrew Bible modern mysteries religion secret code spirituality unsolved mystery. They were quick to distance themselves from Drosnin’s work, despite the fact that it was ostensibly based on their own, because they thought he was overzealous with his predictions and warping their findings. THE SECRET MESSAGES FROM GOD I read this, back then, in 1999, and I found out that there are several sequel books of this, but I haven't read those (so far), but I can assure you that, at least, this first book, is totally amazing to read. I am [the Lord your God]" is rendered by Drosnin as "July to Amman." More experiments would be carried out by other researchers, such as those conducted in 1997 by Harold Gans, former Senior Cryptologic Mathematician for the United States National Security Agency, who was skeptical at first but also found that there was indeed information encoded within the Bible that was beyond the scope of mere coincidence or random chance. Peter Coy, an associate economics editor, writes that The Bible Code is a classic example of what errors can be committed when "data-mining" occurs—when you simply look for patterns in large amounts of data.
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