He leads a pitiful excuse of a church. He refrains from telling the players any sensitive details about the brides or about Strahd, stating "it's not his place to comment on such things" or other polite evasions. If players question her about being a spy, she will pause, before resolutely denying the claim. He may even showcase the collection while giving players a tour of the castle as a not-so-subtle warning. Episode 12 - A Grave Mistake: The Waffle Crew fight a desperate battle against Strahd. Volenta does not see her conversations with Strahd's mother as a betrayal of the vampire lord, and over time began to even see Lysaga as a mother figure. However, she will become noticeably more nervous. He has kept close eyes upon his brides since acquiring this knowledge, but has not spotted them acting out of kind. He has kept close eyes upon his brides since acquiring this knowledge, but has not spotted them acting out of kind. He may even inflict punishments upon the players or his own servants for misbehavior, the specific nature of which may depend on the severity of the crime and Strahd's attitude toward the offender. Her suspicions will settle on Ludmilla, however, merely due to her Vistani origins. She dresses in a tattered wedding dress who fabric has been bunched up and tied into knots to disguise the clear tears and stains. Strahd taught her as an apprentice of the arcane arts as well as some courtly etiquette, as Ludmilla began to adopt more regal mannerisms and behaviors. He values most of his minions less than the players, they have no entertainment value. Ghostly guests with filter in and out from the ethereal, filling the chamber with wispy murmurs. If backed into a corner, usually through physical force, Volenta will attempt to confess to Strahd, but is unable to communicate effectively while under the effect of the Geas. Briley's The Traitors is the most dynamic fictional work ever written regarding the Vietnam War experience. Her offputting, aloof demeanor and eagerness to direct the player's investigations elsewhere may come off as very suspicious to the players. Groups should quickly realize that any entity or organization who can successfully spy on Strahd is (A) very powerful and (B) a potential ally against the Devil. (adjective) She will frequently spin tall tales that are easily provably false, but it makes her difficult to trust. I especially like the idea to take her delusional motherhood and actually given it agency in the story. During his many centuries of imprisonment in Barovia, Strahd became acquainted with several visitors from Toril, including the vampire Jander Sunstar, with whom Strahd formed a long-lasting relationship, and Volothamp Geddarm, who briefly visited Barovia at the behest of Elminster Aumar. However, you may want to downplay his ability to watch over the castle, pointing out the clear disrepair and insubordinate monsters lurking his halls. There, the vampire lord tasks players with uncovering the identity of a spy among his consorts, testing their abilities of deduction and subtlety as they interact with the colorful denizens of Castle Ravenloft. After a point, she will lash out at players and pull them into combat, summoning several swarms of bats to assist her. She is only able to speak a single word before the 5d10 psychic damage kicks in and she collapses to the earth, dead (optional exploding head). There, the vampire lord tasks players with uncovering the identity of a spy among his consorts, testing their abilities of deduction and subtlety as they interact with the colorful denizens of Castle Ravenloft. Either players or servants may convince Strahd that the other is responsible. She has confided in Cyrus Belview once before, however. She was a woman of extraordinary beauty and had no doubt that if she could only meet the count, he would deem her worthy as a bride, not realizing he was truly a vampire. This subreddit serves as a helpful place for anyone running the Curse of Strahd module for D&D 5e. In addition, he cannot detect any unusual magic on the brides, nor have his attempts to Dispel Magic yielded any results. Vampire Spawns are beholden to the vampires that sired them, and will typically follow their orders without question or second thought. Partway through this conversation, Strahd will request that the players accompany him in the den to enjoy some foreign ale, or some other excuse to get the players into private company. The bride naively shares what she believes is harmless, impersonal information about Strahd's activities with a kindly witch who wants to see their love thrive. Note: This should be a hint to players that the entity responsible is quite powerful, and since spying on Strahd suggests they are an enemy of the vampire Lord, this entity could be a potential ally. During the investigation, Strahd will keep tabs on the players using whatever spies are available, or by following them in Bat form. His three main consorts, or "brides", are Ludmilla, Volenta, and Anastraya. 1. His three main consorts, or "brides", are. His discriptions of the physical surroundings, and the people involved, only leave the reader unable to feel the tropical heat, and smell of pungent rice patties. However, she soon learned that one day her master would inevitably tire of her, unless she could prove herself useful to him. It's also an opportunity to search for important items such as the Tarokka treasures or the Skull of Argynvost. She saw an opportunity, however, when Volenta first came to the witches to seek out a way to curry Strahd's favor. Relationships. Despite warnings from Ludmilla, she believes Strahd will love her forever. Description: Anastrasya was a noblewoman of Vallaki that hosted parties in honor of Strahd. The latter demands that she keep her distance from Strahd, since even she knows deep down that he would never accept her as his mother. Anastraya is the most vocal and excitable of the brides and acts as a hostess when the players come to have dinner. He then turns these poor souls into vampire spawn and keeps them as possessions, bound under his thrall. Anastraya will almost always be found in the. If questioned about the espionage, she will act aghast and begin pointing fingers at all sorts of people: Rahadin, Escher, the Witches. In addition, her offputting, aloof demeanor and eagerness to find a different suspect may come off as very suspicious to the players. However, over the years he began to lose interest in her. She will begin to outright panic if she realizes (or it is pointed out to her) that her behavior makes her seem very suspicious to Strahd. Subscribe to get the free product of the week! If Strahd discovers the player has stolen something of minor value, Strahd will use. If Strahd is present, she will feel betrayed that he is not aiding her against the outsiders. She is the most outwardly erotic of the brides towards strangers, making use of sexuality to make others uncomfortable or more easily manipulable. While a tension-wrecked meal across the table from the Dark lord himself already offers a lot of material to play with, I wanted to beef it up it with content that encouraged players to interact with the attendees and explore the castle. If asked to, Rahadin is happy to simply give them the directions to the desired location so that he mustn't waste his own time. He sometimes wishes she would be more quiet like Volenta or more reserved like Ludmilla. She set about serving him in both his arcane studies and in recruiting future brides, including Anastrasya. In short, she saw an opportunity. If players question her about being a spy, she will pause, before resolutely denying the claim. In summary, this encounter was designed to contribute the following: A showcase of the Brides, as well as the other denizens of Ravenloft (Escher, Rahadin, etc. While she is present in the Study, she uses Silent Image to mask the Portrait of Tatyana over the fireplace, either disguising it as a normal wall or placing a portrait of herself in it's place. Otherwise he may pop up from time to time to check up on the players progress, either after a certain measure of time or after they speak with one of the brides. Despite warnings from Ludmilla, she believes Strahd will love her forever. [Keep in mind that I'm still reading! Volenta was once a baker's daughter in a small settlement between Vallaki and Krezk. She seems to have less affection for Strahd than the other brides. She assumes there is no harm in this, as they are ghosts and even as ghosts they are beholden to Strahd. She is also deepy suspicious of Ludmilla, who she believes is jealous of her and is also a filthy Vistani (gotta have some casual racism). Having the character of … He then turns these poor souls into vampire spawn and keeps them as possessions, bound under his thrall. She will speak vaguely about an old woman in the swamps, a flooded village, a coven of witches. Volenta Popofsky is a quiet, sadistic vampire with the appearance of a girl in her late teens, the middle-born of the brides who has been a vampire for 60 years. However, she is just a pawn. If not at dinner, Ludmilla will be found in the Study (K37). She was a noblewoman of Vallaki that hosted parties in honor of Strahd. On one of Strahd's visits to the esteemed fortune teller Madame Eva, he learns that one of his three brides, his prized possessions, is acting as a spy inside his castle, feeding intimidate information regarding him and his affairs to some unknown party. She likes to toy with her victims, and doesn't seem to give much thought to consequences. ), Permission to leave Barovia. She is also a terrible gossip, although she tries to limit to telling secrets to only the dead. This is the effect of one of the Geas spells placed upon her. Due to. Volenta: A quiet but willful creature whose bloodlust impresses even him at times. She dresses in a flamboyant crimson dress with a high propped collar and moves in graceful, circular motions, as if dancing. She is only able to speak a. I recommend using the word "Mother". The latter demands that she keep her distance, since even she knows deep down that Strahd would never accept her as his mother. History (Credit to u/JonathanWriting for his post here). Ludmilla was a member of the Vistani who developed an infatuation with Strahd over the years. Anastraya is not guilty of spying, however she has shared sensitive information with the ghostly guests that attend her parties. Who is Donavich? Volenta does not see her conversations with Strahd's mother as a betrayal of the vampire lord. Here is a bit more background information you should keep in mind, including the true identity of the spy. In summary, this encounter was designed to contribute the following: If one or more of the above is of interest to you, read onward. Lysaga approached Volenta under the guise of a kindly old woman and convinces her that she is Strahd's mother, using a combination of enchantment magic and good ol' fashioned deception. Relationships. Much to her surprise, Anastrasya was enamored with the macabre and evil displays of Strahd’s power. She now carefully stays out of her master’s way unless he needs her direct aid, and she has ingratiated herself to Rahadin who also keeps her in favor with Strahd. All three brides will be present at the start of dinner, but after Strahd assigns the player the task of discovering the mole, they will scatter across the castle. Instigating fights with any of Strahd's servants (none of which should be directly hostile to the players) will alert Strahd. He may be tyrannical, demanding the players perform the task under threat of violence. One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter. She set about serving him in both his arcane studies and in recruiting future brides, including Anastrasya. Should Volenta have dropped references to a "flooded village", Strahd will swiftly deduce she is referring to Berez, and may ask players to investigate to find this "Mother" figure to which she referred. It is exceptionally rare for a vampire spawn to rebel against it's master, although it is possible. Vampire Spawns are beholden to the vampires that sired them, and will typically follow their orders without question or second thought. 800. She is extremely careful in her behavior, knowing she does not interest Strahd any longer. She is outwardly open with the party members, but speaks largely in half truths and tall tales, even in the presence of Strahd. If he was really worried about being spied upon, he would simply kill all three of his brides and turn new ones. She is a compulsive liar, even to Strahd himself. At one of her grand parties, she met a beautiful black skinned woman named Ludmilla, who claimed to be an agent of the count. Ludmilla is a calm, composed individual who handles herself with a regal deportment that belies her humble origins. She will callously tell unfavorable stories about the husband she left back in Vallaki or the many suitors she had while married to him. Volenta is the most reserved of the three brides, and speaks softly and moves quietly. However, she will become noticeably more nervous. You can use the word "Lysaga" as well, although the latter should hold no meaning to Strahd, who wouldn't remember the name of a midwife who was banished from his kingdom while he was a toddler. Whether it was an act of mercy to keep her from the curse of undeath, or a monstrous atrocity to keep her from becoming the concubine of their hated oppressor, Patrina’s brother led his fellow dusk elves in … Listening in, Baba Lysaga siezed upon the opportunity to gain a mole so close to Strahd. She has a flamboyant, extroverted personality, and is quite loud and charming. He does not know the identity of the spy, whom they might be reporting to, or for what purpose. "Baba" achieves a similar effect. Lysaga's spider familiar can be found on the, She is too naive and (frankly) stupid to recognize that she has been taken advantage of, or that she's been placed under the effect of various enchantments strong enough to undermine Strahd's thrall. This sounds like a beautiful plot thread to make your players think. Players should understand that they are distractions or playthings, like the consorts. Drawn once more to her knowledge and arcane might, Strahd consented, but before he could make her his bride, her brother and their other kin heard of this foul betrothal. See what Edmund Lee (infinite_h8tred) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. He perceived the beautiful young girl would provide Strahd an exotic distraction, which she did. She informed Anastrasya that the count wanted to dine with her at Castle Ravenloft, an invitation she hastily accepted. It is exceptionally rare for a vampire spawn to rebel against it's master, although it is possible. I am about to run the dinner with Strahd, so this is a god send! They are very scared! If questioned about Strahd's consorts, he will eagerly inform players with all the information in "About Strahd's Consorts" outlined in the setup. He arrives at the scene of the conflict in 3 rounds, and will use Wall of Force to break up the conflict and trap both parties before demanding an explanation. She rarely leaves the Dining Hall (K10). Who is Petyr the Glad? And that's it, I hope this was of use to people, or at the very least interesting! Treason is the crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance. She lets the other brides behave as they please until she believes they will displease her husband, at which point she shuts them down with an iron fist. As with any Strahd-delivered task, it's worth considering why characters who are resolutely opposed to the vampire lord might accept. Little did she know that Lysaga is only looking out for Strahd's interests. Rahadin or any of the other consorts can tell players this information. In thanks for showing him a glimmer of hope he thought lost to Strahd’s Curse, Vladimir gifted his silver great sword to GORD (and GORD left a sword to him in turn). Once they are alone, he will serve them drinks and offer them a deal. The more the issue is pressed, the more anxious and uncomfortable she will become. Strahd can offer simple backgrounds and info on each of his brides, meanwhile providing perspective on his attitudes towards them, as well as their locations: Ludmilla: His oldest bride and a former Vistana who lost her sight upon turning into a vampire. 600. Anastraya is the most vocal and excitable of the brides and acts as a hostess when the players come to have dinner. I love creating as much intrigue as possible so this will be perfect! Indigo to the master’s bride Blue to ancient magic’s womb Yellow to the master’s tomb. To entice players, Strahd may offer a variety of rewards, depending on how the group negotiates and the details of the campaign: Permission to leave Barovia, an offer later revealed to extend to only ONE party member to sow dissention, Powerful magical artifacts (Animated Armor, Wands, etc.). Strahd only cares about his own possessions being taken. This horrible fate has befell dozens upon dozens of men and women. Ludmilla is Strahd’s oldest bride at nearly 200 years old. Strahd will not volunteer this information, simply stating that he often bores of his consorts without explaining what he does with them after. This is the meat of the questline, where players will explore the castle, seek out the brides and other denizens of the castle, and question them. Before proffering the group, Strahd will spend some time questioning the players and gauging their talents (as he would regardless). This is the meat of the questline, where players will explore the castle, seek out the brides and other denizens of the castle, and question them. They decided to try to find a secret entrance to the castle dungeons, which they did, using spiderclimb and fly to break the windows and sneak into the tomb of King Barov. A highly perceptive character might have noticed a strange twitch in her face a moment before she answered. The hour was late and both bride and groom had yet to appear. It's an evocative word that is sure to get players wondering.
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