Nurfed's configurable ActionBars Replacement. Shows Guild members and friend/guild people in the same area. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. Shows the class of the player selected or the type of monster/npc. Helps remembering which recipe is known and by whom. Features for an Engineer to easier use created items. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) It’s official: Aaron Rodgers and Shailene Woodley are engaged and we couldn’t be happier Adds a button to undress the model in the Dressing room. Git Repository:, Displays a progress bar for any class CCs, Core functionality for Bagnon and Banknon, Help with fishing related tasks -- clothing. MetaMap adds many enhancements to the WoW WorldMap. Escape timer was re-engaging back to zero on each loop. Remembers what people trade to you when you enchant their items. helps you make faster decision about your battleground's objectives. People on the horde side tried to eliminate Eldamus first before me, which shows how BT is a bane to everyone, people get irritated with him in my duels, impresss a few players with his charm and does amuse a few of my guildies with his antics. Get all of's best Celebrities lists, news, and more. Helps you save money for that all important purchase, Notes Manager that allows you to track Friends. Item link into macros. a simple mod for rebuffing your weapons with available weaponcharges... Rewrite myBindings. [3.6.1 (Platypus)] This AddOn is licenced under the GNU GPL. Calendar Addon that let's you Schedule with Accept / Decline Display group events such as Raids or in game Wedding for that one hardcore Role Playing guy that you think is perhaps crazy but he's so nice that you are going to attend so that you don't crush his gentle soul. Send "Grats" when someone "Dings" by Krod. Displays level for current zone and recommends zones and instances for your level. MetaMapWKB adds a user database of MoBs/NPCs from aquired targets. Allows you to break up the main bar into several pieces, Displays guild members on the world and mini map. The item ID can be found in your browser’s address bar, like so: In later it might even create unwanted noise. In Classic, the difficulty of zones vary, and especially as a Paladin you will want to do a lower difficulty quest. Provides a warning message when your current ammo supply reaches a set number. Shows raid members which are currently soulstoned. Simply adds a set of customizable keybindings for all the emotes with informative voicelines. Automatically notify your guild when a raid boss is defeated. Detection is done by registering to events which are triggered by enemy players. Med fem enkle steg kan man imidlertid både få det bedre, forbedre ergonomien og skape en mer effektiv arbeidsdag. Adds bag and free slot information to Titan Panel. Adds skill-level and other information to gathering item tooltips. Mousewheel scrolling. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Displays the name of your targets target in a movable frame, Adds the auto changing of riding enchanted inventory items when you mount. Services of language translation the ... An announcement must be commercial character Goods and services advancement through P.O.Box sys This AddOn displays who's at fault for the raid or instance wipe. Sets the subject of a mail message to the name of the attachment when it's added. Auto heal rank calculation and auto target healing. Alterac Valley quests). Creates Graphical timers for dropped totems, helps identify players who ping the minimap. Saves your high normal and critical damage records and flashes a message if your break the record. Automatically positions the most relevant part of the loot window under your cursor. Recent additions by Zindjorl, This AddOn adjusts the display of the tooltips to show which recipe is being used by the item your hovering above, Adds a note system to the WorldMap - Other AddOns can also now 'Plug In' and allow notes to be made on their frames eg AlphaMap, Auto Buff and other simple tools for mages, Small text display of the status of the Alliance and Horde flags. An experience bar module for the Titan Panel AddOn. Compare your equipments bonus of all status with other players. Choose from different layouts as well as many nice features. Scans your Equipment for cumulative item bonuses and sums them up. Adds several key bindings to the UI that deal with pets. Shows the cheapest price for stacks with different quantities. Displays the player's inventory in a single frame. A simple skills list for the Titan Panel AddOn. The names are automatically arranged according to the player's remaining hp all the time. Allows the user to move the tooltips freely about the screen. This AddOn returns an emote for an emote. QuestItem stores an in-game database over quest items and tell you which quest they belong to. Keeps track of current money and all your characters on one realm. Adds panel with skinable bars for healing and decursive, This is a raid cleaning mod. Keeps track of your PvP kills and the people who kill you. Repositions buffs and shows duration and buff names constantly. Command-line mechanism to open GM petition pane. Automatically positions the most relevant part of the loot window under your cursor. List all of your attacks and/or heals displaying normal and crit damage. Also remembers any Auction alerts, Adds the ability to auto repair items and invemntory at vendors. Replaces CTRA MT Targets window with extra functionality, Adds FPS and Garbage collection information to Titan Panel. Atlas, AtlasLoot and AtlasQuest backported for 1.12 from the TBC versions, Allows on-demand addons to load automatically based upon simple event notification hooks [3.8.0] This AddOn is licenced under the GNU GPL, type /lp first time in order to setup the addon so it suit's you, Displays energy ticks and combo points on a progress bar. You never loose a swing, but depending on the time of your parry vs your swing, you can chop up to 50% off the swingtimer. Slash command interface for TinyTip (LoadOnDemand). Lets you configure 20 or more textures for your UI. A quick reference to sources of Enchanting materials. Extended QuestLog is an extension of the questlog. Keeps track of durability and pops up a dialog to repair when you go to a vendor who can. Det kan føre til dårlig kroppsholdning, smerter, og generelt gå ut over trivselen. You may struggle to kill enemies: Especially as a Paladin, you won't really be able to overcome several mobs at once, or be able to solo an elite mob. ("/cv help"). Shows Blind and Flash powder count in the ability icon itself. Automatically answers emotes such as /hug or /bye. Version 3.11, Modifies SCT to display your killing blows, Dual pane quest list/log window with integrated Minion. Provides more functionality to the base UI. Target people by ctrl-clicking them in the chat, A mod to keep a knowledgebase of information, Bindable Key to quickly find a suitable target. Adds a graphical indicator of mob levels in a zone as related to your level. This addon liberates them. BuffAhoy v1.90. A utility frame to display a set of equipable items. Helps you find tameable beasts to learn pet skills from. Determines which frames are using the most processor time or creating the most memory. Useful to find out if you are still on the quest, HoTT -- Target of target and ToT's health in a small frame beneath the target frame. Displays kills to next level After every xp change (TitanPanel & FuBar), Display's Name/Health/Class above the head's of nearby target's. Bring the Assassin's Contract to Magistrate Maleb in Southshore. minimap coordinates frame module for simpleMinimap. Displays current and maximum health numbers for targeted mobs. Enhances the interface to resemble Diablo II. Search an in-game database to find where the pet skill and rank you need is located. Use << /sbm >> for options menu. Adds more view changing (zoom/reposition/rotate) to the dressing room model. 1,180 Followers, 295 Following, 11 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from abdou now online (@abdoualittlebit) Use << /clv >> or << /classviewer >> for the options menu. Automatically collects money from all successful auctions in your mailbox. You can see unavailable spells/skills by checking the "unavailable" box in the trainer filter as normal. Backup module for data backup and restore. Summary of your learned and planned talent points at the top. You can build custom Visual and Audio warnings for virtually any situation in the Game. A small interface to cast Greater blessings in rad, timed auto zoom-out module for simpleMinimap. One-key solution for mounting/dismounting. pinger name popup module for simpleMinimap. Makes unlocking of lockboxes easier (inventory/tradewindow) and shows level requirements on lockbox tooltips. Find the best armor that can be crafted for a player. An extended friends list for the Titan Panel AddOn. Enables a flashing red effect when you are low on life. Eases and automates assignment of buff duty in raids. DynamicData aims to be for dynamic data in WoW what Sea is for lua functions - a library with stuff that gets updated in a timely manner. Recolors action bar buttons when out of range, Displays current zone levels in Titan Bar. Bank Scaner (scans possesions of bank character), Adds a sortablity to the enchanting window. Allows you to open up to 11 bags simultaneously. Clickable dice and roll overview for the Titan Panel AddOn. It has a little UI that represents Different Classes in your Party or Raid. Easily find the Addon you are looking for by Choosing a category, Searching by name or change the expansion using the drop down on the right! Adds flyout filters and a reset button to the auction house. View the equipment and inventory of all your characters. Gives shamans a cooldown counter for their reincarnation ability. Preserve recipient's name and autofill subject line. Shows the amount of XP needed to level up and other information related to EXP in a tooltip and/or customizeable overlay frame. [3.6.1] This AddOn is licenced under the GNU GPL. Shows a timer that counts both up and down. Vanilla Consolidate Buff-Frames (VCB) is a smart system to manage your auras. A large collection of Vanilla WoW Addons (1.12.1). Fixes the Titan Panel Clock so that its offset is stored per server not per character. Creates a block of buttons that can be sett to autohide. In der Katze-NPCs Kategorie. Learns flight paths displays them on the zone map, Allows you to save notes for your friends. Display the number of free bag slots for individual and all bags, Enhances shift-click interface at vendors. ZoneShift module for German and French clients. Randomly chooses a mount and keybinds mount/dismount. This addOn adds frames with icons and countdowns for enemies' as well as your own cooldowns. Wij willen hier een beschrijving geven, maar de site die u nu bekijkt staat dit niet toe. Lets you configure any frame in your UI in any way it's possible to configure that frame. Displays the damage and healing of all participants in combat, Provides a super intelligent function for warriors, Automatically upgrades spells on your actionbars, Filters out some of the annoying error messages during combat as a rogue. Copyright 2021 StarDev Studio LLC, Legacy-WoW World of Warcraft is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. Many GMs are frustrated. Combines most commonly used feral skills into 4 highly-customizable functions. Not for use with spells. Adds information about stats relevant to casters to the character screen. It picks a random person from the raid and pokes fun at them. Stores your tells while you are AFK or DND and plays them back to you when you return. * - Main goods are marked with red color . Display's the player's bank in a single frame. Improved Talent Frame. Displays the zone level range of the zone you are in and also gives you a suggested zone to be in. An extension to CT_RaidAssist that adds small mods that help you with various raid encounters. Load on demand option windows for SpellAlert (modified again). or ! This is resolved now. I'd recommend leveling with a Warrior or Rogue to balance out your group's leveling speed. I just focused on FAQ people asked me in game, based on questions I saw in "Global" WoW chat, on WEB forums and on other Internet resources, which are "bad" explained and outdated overall. Update by Calculates and displays total materials cost for items in the tradeskill window. If you are looking for CLASSIC WoW (beta 1.13) addons, THIS is the page with those addons. Git Repository:, Shows the duration of some enemy buffs on the buffs. Allows you to send multiple mails to the same person, Adds current and session gold earnings/losses to Titan panel, Adds Co-Ordinates and location information to Titan Panel, Chronometer - an Ace2 Timer Mod based on AceTimer, Function for quickly swapping between 2 weapon sets, Keeps track of buffs on party members in a small window and highlights them if they have run out. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. A simple guild list for the Titan Panel AddOn. Puts messages when a non party member is going to cast a spell in the center of the screen. Includes several features to make a hunter's life easier. Zerbrochener Zahn ist ein Stufe 37 Selten NPC, zu finden in Ödland. This mod will populate the the Map with MapNotes for all the local landmarks, Export Character Profiles for use out-of-game, Provides a counter showing how many charges remain on a priest's Inner Fire buff. Vi bruker opp mot 40 timer i uken ved skrivebordet. Shows the missing recipes/skills for a tradeskill and where to get them, 9 new buttons to set raid symbols/huntersmark. Intensity ( Drak`Thul ), Casts the best rank of a buff for target's level. Adding quick search functionality to the crafting window. Adds mini buff timers under the top right buff icons. Unlimited 'Super' macros hold up to 7000 letters. In-game code extender editor. Allows the viewing of the bank from anywhere and the inventory of your other characters. Use this if you don't have KC_Items. Allows you to see time until actions have cooled down in the buttons. Shows information about the opponent before duel. Displays estimated mobs needed for next level based on last kill. Button Bar for openning chat messages of each type. Automatically sends a group invite to someone who whispers you using the prescribed string. Several macros for making a druids life easier. Calculates and shows your TankPoints in the PaperDall Frame, Allows you to change the rendered world's size. Place lots of auctions at once. This mod will add a bar for all your trades/skills/professions, Compatibility package to make FuBar-1.2 plugins work with FuBar-2.0. ActionBar AddOn which modifies the layout using buttons provided by Blizzard, Addon that allows you to move UI components, Displays a progress bar for your attack speed. Spreads your base 120 action buttons across 10 configurable bars. A large collection of Vanilla WoW Addons (1.12.1). Provides an options window for Discord Unit Frames. A collection of automations and interface tweaks. Call To Arms (CTA) has three main features: Converts the tooltip to the way it was at release. Drathals HUD Options. Does various notifications about you (and your pet if you have one) condition via emotes and chat messages. A simple factions reputation list for the Titan Panel AddOn. Shows the number of times a reagent using spell can be cast in its ability icon. Allows for quick reporting of Enemy Factions attacking. The idea behind this is to iterate though the raid party, Shows cursor/player coords on worldmap and shows coords below your portrait and your party members portrait (use "/mc player" and "/mc wc" to enable), Displays detailed item information in tooltips, This Addon solves that issue where you have 5 Paladins in your Raid and no one can decide who is Buffing what. Possibly the most complicated Addon I have ever used it is also one of the most powerful. Adds totem events to Flexbar and adds totem timers and a totem stomper option to FlexBar buttons. You can see evidence for this by just watching your attacks when you parry, or consider why tanks don't autoattack on the hardest hitting bosses, as mobs ALSO benefit from this swing … Displays class icons near your target's and party members' portraits. 1. Compare equipped inventory items against items in chatframe hyperlink and bags/bank. AttackBar - Player and Enemy Swing Timer addon Addons for Vanilla - All the most needed addons (Last updated: 12 May 2018) B BattleShoutGlow - add a retail-like glow to battle shout as reminder BananaBar - buttons to set raid symbols/hunter's mark, target by symbol and many other features Hinzugefügt in World of Warcraft: Classic. DPSMate is not only a meter which shows numbers of the raid, such as damage done, damage taken, dispells etc., it is moreover an analyzing tool to review the raid or the previous fight as accurately as possible. Enables linking items in private chat channels. QuestHaste is a small Addon for vanilla World of Warcraft (1.12), it allows fast turn in of quests, especially useful for repeatable quests (e.g.
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