Scientists Agree: Younger Dryas Impact Event Wiped Out Ancient Civilization | Ancient Architects. Runoff channels at the craters were carved by the fragments’ ice melt. There has long been a fair amount of skepticism about the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, to put it lightly. North America) due to gravitational effects. What follows are data and its analysis that account for the YD ice impact craters found in North America, South America, and South Africa. Believers set the date of the destruction of Atlantis at 11,550 BP (9,600 BC). Google Earth screen capture8 shows several impact craters from North Carolina, all oriented NW-SE. These findings suggest that changes in the flow of water in the Arctic could suddenly alter the modern climate, study investigators added. Some of these fragments, were TWO KILOMETRES or more in diameter … The researchers found that meltwater flooding the St. Lawrence Valley would have weakened this current in this conveyer belt by 15 percent or less. The approximate position of the ice sheet is shown (in white) just before the onset of the Younger Dryas. While the CB were thought to predate Clovis cultural remains, but this must now be seen as spurious as the CB … Across this huge “fingerprint” spanning North America, Central America, parts of South America, most of Europe and parts of the Middle East as well, the tell-tale traces of multiple impacts by the fragments of a giant comet have been found. "As a result, it has little impact on the strength of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, and therefore on climate.". ( Log Out / © Via Ancient Architects. The Big Freeze was not a glacial period, which are colloquially often called ice ages — it was a cold time in the relatively warm spans between glacial periods. "It is only by simulating the circulation of the ocean at 10 to 15 times the resolution previously achieved by modelers that we have been able to accurately capture the pathway that the meltwater would have taken in the ocean," Condron told OurAmazingPlanet. Younger Dryas impacts: data and analysis – The Worldwide Flood The ocean apparently circulates in such a way that freshwater released farther northward near the Arctic can much more easily interrupt the sinking of surface waters in the Greenland and Labrador Sea that sets the pace of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Giant 14-foot-long crocodile found with human remains in stomach, Greek ship carrying parts of the Parthenon is giving up more secrets, New coronavirus variant in NYC has vaccine-evading mutation, Video captures unusual death of baby bird drowned by a fish, Atheists and believers have different moral compasses. Google Earth screen capture5 shows the yellow line from the previous slides, as well as a line drawn through the trough at the center of the YD impact crescent in the Southern Ocean. ( Log Out / New York, The data and its analysis play a part in identifying and resolving an historic error.” The following was attached to the email in a .pdf: To account for impact craters found in North America, one hypothesis holds that they were created at the YD boundary by ice chunks projected from a comet-on-ice sheet impact somewhere in the northern Midwest (US). Among other things, findings of melt-glass material in sediments in Pennsylvania, South … The Younger Dryas flood theory emerges The debate on what caused the prehistoric ice sheet melt has raged since the early 1900’s. We are in a new geologic era, The Post-Diluvian. Stay up to date on the coronavirus outbreak by signing up to our newsletter today. The solid, dense core of the impacting object (IO) carved this trough on impact, so the white line depicts the IO’s pre-impact flight direction. The proponents report that layers contain unusual materials (nanodiamonds, metallic microspherules, carbon spherules, magnetic spherules, iridium, charcoal, soot, and fullerenes enriched in helium-3) that they interpret as evidence of an impact event, at the very bottom of black mats of organic material that they say marks the beginning of the Younger Dryas, and claim that this cannot be … COVID-19 vaccines: What does 95% efficacy actually mean? Younger Dryas, also called Younger Dryas stadial, cool period between roughly 12,900 and 11,600 years ago that disrupted the prevailing warming trend occurring at the end of the Pleistocene Epoch (which lasted from 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago). The issue of the Younger Dryas (YD) cold ‘hiccup’ between 12.9 to 11.7 thousand years (ka) ago during deglaciation and general warming has been the subject of at least 10 Earth-logs commentaries in the last 15 years (you can check them via the Palaeoclimatology logs).I make no apologies for what might seem to be verging on a personal obsession, because it isn’t. "As a result, we should be cautious using this study as an analog for what might trigger modern-day abrupt climate change.". (Image credit: Alan Condron and Peter Winsor, PNAS), a cosmic impact might have set off this Big Freeze, 7 Ways the Earth Changes in the Blink of an Eye, Cosmologists create 4,000 virtual universes to solve Big Bang mystery, Vampire squid fossil 'lost' during the Hungarian Revolution rediscovered, Humpback whale survives 4-hour attack by gang of orcas. The Younger Dryas is the period between 12,900 to 11,700 years BP. [7 Ways the Earth Changes in the Blink of an Eye]. I’ll be trying to rectify that this year, in part by doing shorter posts with more 3rd party media concerning the Younger Dryas Impact Catastrophe.There have also been a couple of new papers I’ve not posted (outside of the always current Cosmic Tusk Bib).So stayed tuned there also… Including a sudden rise of sea level due to a comet induced flood followed by a relatively rapid melting of the ice sheets due to a sudden warming of the climate. The issue was taken up in more detail by William Whiston, a protegé of and popularizer of the theories of Isaac Newton, who argued in his book A New Theory of the Earth (1696) that a comet impact was the probable cause of the Biblical Flood of Noah. The below indicated 13 degree temperature rise in less than 50 years at the close of the Younger-Dryas would be quite catastrophic. The ocean colors are surface salinity from the control integration with warm (cold) surface currents shown in red (blue). The source of this flood was apparently the glacial Lake Agassiz, located along the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, which at its maximum 21,000 years ago was 6,500 to 9,800 feet (2,000 to 3,000 meters) thick and covered much of North America, from the Arctic Ocean south to Seattle and New York. NY 10036. The hypothesis first emerged in … With less warm seawater moving poleward, temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere apparently plunged. The Younger Dryas—the last major cold episode on Earth—is generally considered to have been triggered by a meltwater flood into the North Atlantic. It is identified in my recent paper, “The Flooding of the Mediterranean Basin at the Younger-Dryas Boundary,” available here. Geology’s “no worldwide flood, ever” hypothesis is indisputably wrong – it is the most profound error in the history of science. Con Younger Dryas Impact Papers (7) Coronavirus (4) Disease from Space (4) Egypt (1) Hiawatha Crater (10) Other Ancient Impacts (7) Panspermia (29) Podcast (7) Popular Press (21) Pro Younger Dryas Impact Papers (28) Random Tusks (425) The Bos & Co (11) Tusk TV (13) Twitter Tusk (3) Younger Dryas Impact Evidence (26) A more recent hypothesis holds that an impact in Greenland (Kjaer, Kurbatov, etc.) One geologist named J Harlen Bretz proposed a catastrophic single flood that wiped the majority of glacial ice. Each line is oriented SW-NE. Google Earth screen capture6 is the same view as screen capture5 but from a much higher eye altitude. is the primary YD impact site. Note that the white IO impact direction line extends over southern Argentina and Peru (i.e. Note that the lines are essentially parallel; the South African impact direction is slightly more northerly, understandable since it is found north of the IO site (indicates a northward fragmentation vector). Evidence for this theory includes carbon rich soil layers that mark the start of the Younger Dryas event containing nanodiamonds, metallic microspherules, carbon spherules, magnetic spherules, iridium, charcoal, soot, and fullerenes enriched in helium-3. This deluge would have diluted the circulation of saltwater in the North Atlantic, disrupting the ocean "conveyer belt. It is likely that the directionally straight back-propagation path is not exact at greater distances from the impact site (i.e. "Prior to the flood, meltwater is thought to have drained into the Gulf of Mexico, down the Mississippi River. The thing is, the specific argument of the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis isn’t that the YD cooling was triggered by an impact event. This suggests the Mackenzie Valley was the likely route for the freezing seen during the Younger Dryas, not the more southern St. Lawrence Valley path. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Whiston also attributed the origins … Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The story in Antarctica is somewhat different, however. Note the runoff channels as well as its SW-NE orientation. After the dam broke, the water rapidly flowed into the ocean via a different river drainage system." Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer. You will receive a verification email shortly. While impact events and/or volcanic eruptions certainly could have played a role in Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene extinctions and may have even had transient effects on Younger Dryas climate change, the Dansgaard–Oeschger Events occurred with clock-like regularity during the final Pleistocene glacial stage. "In contrast, when the meltwater enters the ocean from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, ocean currents cause it to be confined largely to the sub-tropical North Atlantic about 3,000 kilometers (1,800 miles) south of the Greenland and Labrador Seas," Condron said. The body of the email read: “Please see the attached .pdf that deals with YD impact craters in North America, South America, and South Africa. The original hypotheses about a comet impact that had a widespread effect on human populations can be attributed to Edmond Halley, who in 1694 suggested that a worldwide flood had been the result of a near-miss by a comet. Today I wrote the following email to members of the Comet Research Group, as well as to authors associated with the recent South Africa YD impact paper. To see which flooded waterway might best explain the plummeting temperatures seen during the Younger Dryas, a group of scientists developed computer models … Among the problems with this hypothesis: there is no primary comet remnant crater in North America; a North American impact could not account for YD impact craters and associated effects in South America (Pino, et al) and South Africa (Thackeray, et al) – ice chunk drafting notwithstanding (there’s a paper out there claiming that ice chunks ‘drafted’ from somewhere in the Midwest US to make their way to the Carolinas). So, apparently, all the extra-terrestrial fireworks did nothing to the Atlanteans. Google Earth screen capture7 shows several impact craters in southern Argentina, all with a NW-SE orientation. It's called the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis and was first suggested in 2007. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, A list of representative craters associated with the flight path is found in my paper’s Appendix (South Africa paper was published after my paper). Please refresh the page and try again. Google Earth screen captures3 & 4: The lines from screen capture2, but from much higher eye altitudes, 166+ miles on slide three, and 1733 miles on slide four. These findings hint that shifts in the flow of water in the Arctic could dramatically alter today's climate. In the last few years, scientists have found a variety of exotic impact-related materials in the Younger Dryas Boundary layer all over the globe. "that cycles warm water up to the Arctic, where it cools and sinks and travels back south along the ocean floor. The IO impact was so massive that its runoff created the worldwide flood, as described in my paper. NASA recently discovered of a massive, 19-mile (31km) wide crater, found hidden underneath Greenland’s Hiawatha Glacier. Ancient stone carvings confirm that a comet struck the Earth around 11,000BC, a devastating event which wiped out woolly mammoths and sparked the rise of civilisations. The direction of meltwater drainage is shown by the yellow arrows. The shorter red line is drawn through the impact crater to convey the ice chunk’s direction at impact. To see which flooded waterway might best explain the plummeting temperatures seen during the Younger Dryas, a group of scientists developed computer models that studied the impact meltwater from the two outlets had on the conveyer belt of currents known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. A hypothesized Younger Dryas impact event, presumed to have occurred in North America about 12,900 years ago, has been proposed as the mechanism that initiated the Younger Dryas cooling. His theory came from studying the scarred landscapes of North America. by SGI. The hypothesis included the idea that an extraterrestrial body impacted Earth 12,800 years ago. Uncovering and Correcting the Most Profound Error in the History of Science. In contrast, freshwater pouring into the Mackenzie Valley would have weakened this conveyer belt by 30 percent or more. The research debate surrounding this impact event has been very contentious. Google Earth screen capture9 shows the IO back-propagated path as in the previous slide. Live Science is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. A giant flood of Arctic meltwater may have triggered an ancient 1,200-year-long chill nicknamed the "Big Freeze," the last major cold age on Earth, a new study finds. Condron and his colleague Peter Winsor detailed their findings online Nov. 5 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Thus, the western hemisphere impact directions are mostly NW-SE, and the South African impact direction is SW-NE. }, author={W. Broecker}, journal={Science}, year={2006}, volume={312}, pages={1146 - 1148} } W. Broecker Published 2006 Geology, Medicine Science Draining of a huge lake … Scientists have suggested this chill helped wipe out most of the large mammals in North America as well as the so-called Clovis people. The YD event and the worldwide flood are synonymous. The Younger Dryas starts at about 12,900 BP (10,950 BC). ( Log Out / The graphic shows the vast swathe of our planet that geologists call the Younger Dryas Boundary Field. The Younger-Dryas event is recognized to be centered in North America, which also fits the model. Perhaps the single most important paper on the subject of the Younger Dryas Cooling, is the 2007 paper by R.B. The IO’s core trough indicates its immediately pre-impact direction, and though it did not cross directly over the South Pole, it came relatively close. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The drainage pathways of meltwater stored in glacial lakes located along the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Visit our corporate site. Many scientists have suggested – with evidence – that the Younger Dryas was triggered by a meteorite impact. If you imagine the surface of the Earth as like a cake, the Younger Dryas Boundary is the layer that was frosted onto its surface 12,800 years ago, subsequently covered by other layers over the millennia. One of these new ideas is the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis. However, scientists recently suggested this meltwater may have instead flooded into the Arctic Ocean via the Mackenzie Valley about 2,500 miles (4,000 kilometers) northwest of the St. Lawrence outlet. Deep troughs in Lake Superior support the hypothesis of Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB) comet impact 12,900 BP. Google Earth screen capture1: A close view of an impact crater in South Africa. The researchers are now using their high-resolution model "to understand the sensitivity of our modern-day climate to increases in the melting of the large ice sheet over Greenland and changes in the hydrological cycle, such as increased river runoff of the Arctic in the near-future," Condron said. Note the runoff channels that are very similar to those at the South Africa site. At Dome C, the amount of the hydrogen isotope called deuterium, expressed here as δD, is proportional to temperature. The Earth was hit by a fragmented comet around 13,000 years ago at the end of the Pleistocene Era and scientists are now starting to agree. The waters from Lake Agassiz were originally suggested more than two decades ago to have poured through the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Valley. Supporters of pre-existing theories for the demise of the American megafauna and the occurrence of the Younger Dryas mini ice age have, naturally, been highly critical of this recent interloper into their long-standing stalemate. Although researchers have suggested a cosmic impact might have set off this Big Freeze, the prevailing theory for the cause of the Younger Dryas was a vast pulse of freshwater— a greater volume than all of North America's Great Lakes combined — that poured into the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. The deuterium record indicates that, contrary to the Northern Hemisphere records, temperat… "The flood was likely caused by the sudden breaking of an ice dam," said researcher Alan Condron, a physical oceanographer at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. It is now hypothesized that this could have been caused by a meteorite impact, the Clovis meteorite. The IO’s pre-impact ice fragments would be considered comets had they broken off much, much earlier in its Earth approach. Its grid location is available in the screen shot. Instead, the primary impact site is in the Southern Ocean, southwest of South Africa. To put the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis to a rigorous test, Michail Petaev, Shichun Huang, Stein Jacobsen, and Alan Zindler of Harvard decided to …
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