Not all great conjunctions are created equal! The entrance of Regulus into Virgo event was concurrent with the what some referred to as the end of the Mayan Calendar. Here’s the view from North America, where Venus will appear about half a degree above Regulus on October 2, and about half a degree below Regulus on October 3. The 8-year cycle means that Venus will again meet up with Regulus for super-close conjunctions in early October 2028, 2036 and 2044. It’s not a constellation in and of itself, but it’s a noticeable pattern within the constellation Leo: an asterism shaped like a backwards question mark. Look for Regulus to have a conjunction with Venus on the morning of October 2, 2020. The Magi learned the birth of the Messiah by studying the prophecy of the stars and planet Jupiter. ON FACEBOOK PAGE. Note: Before 1582, the dates are given by the Julian calendar, while those after 1582 are Gregorian calendar dates. We'll have more to say about that early next month. August 6, 2608: Mercury occuts Regulus. I recently heard the claim that mid-July, the "Star of Bethlehem" formed for the first time in 2,000 years, where the Star of Bethlehem is a three-way conjunction between Venus, Jupiter, and Regulus. Regulus — the heart of the Lion You just can’t miss the night from October 13 to October 14, 2020 — at this time, the bright star Regulus will appear near the Moon, marking the constellation Leo. Venus Uranus 2 24' More information » 20 Mar 2020 06:21 UTC Jupiter Mars 0 42' More information » 31 Mar 2020 10:56 UTC Saturn Mars 0 55' More information » 03 Apr 2020 15:17 UTC Mercury Neptune 1 24' More information » For reference, 1 arc-second is what a 1-cm object would look like from 2.06-km away. Venus * will meet Regulus again for super-narrower conjuctions in early October 2028, 2036 and 2044*** By 2052, the Venus-Regulus conjuction will take place in late September * instead of early October. October 30, 1201: Venus occults Antares Planetary occultations of 1st-magnitude stars are extremely rare. Here’s what we came up with: October 2, 2028, at 06:44 UTC: Venus passes 0.1 degrees south of Regulus In late June and early July Jupiter (The Suffering Savior) and Venus (The Seed of Woman) will come closely together in an event known as a conjunction. At the great conjunction of 1623, Jupiter and Saturn were slightly less than 0.1 degrees apart. At that time, Venus will pass extremely close to Regulus, a bit closer than 0.1 degrees south of the star. Depending on where you live worldwide, the planet Venus and bright star Regulus – Heart of the Lion in the constellation Leo – will sweep closest together on our sky’s dome on the morning of October 2 or 3, 2020. This close conjunction is a once in 8 year event. Regulus … Spectacular Venus-Regulus Conjunction in constellation Leo from October 2 until 4, 2020 before sunrise. October 1, 2036, at 20:00 UTC: Venus passes 0.1 degrees south of Regulus We hope so! Not far to their upper left, appearing much fainter, is Regulus, the alpha star in the constellation Leo. Create a website or blog at On the mornings of October 2 and 3, 2020, Venus (brighter) and the bright star Regulus will appear near one another in the east before sunup. Venus is a touch more than one astronomical unit (Earth-sun distance) from Earth, whereas the star Regulus is way out there, at about 79 light-years distant. By month's end Venus will have descended to within 5 degrees of the bright star Regulus, which it will pass very close to on Oct. 3. They’re a beautiful and interesting sight, coming together in a way that won’t happen again for another 8 years. November 10, 1783: Venus occults Spica Read more: The 8-year cycle and 5 ‘petals’ of Venus. The conjunction of Venus and Regulus on October 1, 2044, will count as super special because Venus will actually occult (pass directly in front of) Regulus on that date. Aft the sun-Regulus conjunction on August 23, 2020, Regulus shifts out of the evening sky and into the morning sky. October 1, 2044, at 09:21 UTC: Venus passes 0 degrees of Regulus (occultation). Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. It’s the brightest starlike object in the the eastern predawn sky. C onjunction: what a funny-sounding word it is, yet in the field of astronomy this phenomenon can give us some wondrous night-sky sights, ranging from naked-eye views through to binoculars and even … During the 2020 great conjunction, the two planets were separated in the sky by 6 arcminutes at their closest point, which was the closest distance between the two planets since 1623. The 2020 conjunction is a perfect conjunction at 0 degrees in the constellation of Aquarius making it even more rare. Regulus, in Leo, ranks as a 1st-magnitude star, that is, one of our sky’s brightest stars. You can’t miss Venus. It’ll take place when Venus and Regulus are below our horizon. This star pales next to dazzling Venus, the planet of love and beauty, now well over 100 times brighter than Regulus. Regulus will be the bright star nearby. Continue reading “2020 Oct 03 Rare Cosmic Planet and Star Conjunction” Posted on March 25, 2020 March 25, 2020 * The Venus-Regulus EMAIL CONTACT: & WHATS UP APPLICATION ON FACEBOOK PAGE. July 7, 1959: Venus occults Regulus The planet Venus rules astronomy 2020, with one each favorable apparitions in the dawn and dusk sky. The last time it happened was when Venus occulted Regulus on July 7, 1959, and the next time will be when Venus occults Regulus on October 1, 2044. So this Big conjunction is also sextile my Natal moon at 25 Aquarius, and sextile Pluto at 26 Libra. Natal Neptune for me sits at the apex of a minor grand trine. Just remember, although Venus and Regulus are nearly on the same line of sight on the sky’s dome, they are not close together in space. Before 1959, the last time it happened was when Venus occulted Spica on November 10, 1783, and after 2044, the next time will be when Venus occults Spica on September 7, 2197. From the right spot on Earth (western Asia), Venus will come achingly close to brushing against Regulus. This pattern has the shape of a backwards question mark. January 27, 2020 19:21 Venus 0 04' south of Neptune 39.5 East March 9, 2020 14:36 Venus 2 24' north of Uranus 45.4 East March 20, 2020 06:21 Mars 0 42' south of Jupiter 67.4 West March 31, 2020 11:56 Mars 0 55' south of Get up before dawn tomorrow (as much as 90 minutes before sunrise) and look eastward. For reference, that gap between Venus and Regulus at their closest approach is about 1/5th the moon’s angular diameter. Venus-Regulus Conjunction on October 3rd, 2020 First Day of Feast of Tabernacles Then there is the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn evident at both the time of Chanukah and the Winter Solstice. Source: “Mathematical Astronomy Morsels” by Jean Meeus, page 160. The December 21, 2020 conjunction was the closest great conjunction since July 16, 1623. This means that Venus and Jupiter at their largest appear like a 1-cm object from 1/66 to 1/50 that distance or from 31 to 41 meters (i.e., 94 to 124 feet) away. Bottom line: Brilliant Venus, in and of itself, is worth getting up for, but the tantalizingly close encounter of Venus with the star Regulus – gearing up to happen now in our predawn sky – won’t happen again for another 8 years. August 1, 2253: Mercury occults Regulus Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Follow ~AstroUranian~â½ on, September 11, 1128: Venus occults Regulus That’s very close! Stay tuned! Equatorial and Southern latitudes are the first … These planets will actually come together three times with this conjunction being … Brilliant Venus, in and of itself, is worth getting up for, but the tantalizingly close encounter of Venus with the bright star Regulus won’t happen again for another 8 years. Look east before or during early dawn to catch the conjunction of Venus with Regulus — which is less than a hundredth as bright. September 2, 2197: Venus occults Spica Sunday, October 4, 2020 Planetary Photography -- 10-02/03-2020 -- The Moon & Mars Rising -- Venus & Regulus Conjunction In Morning Sky Good evening fellow stargazers! By 2052, the Venus-Regulus conjunction will take place in late September instead of early October. The Wikipedia page I just linked mentions one such conjunction occurring in 2 BC, and other sources (like EarthSky ) mention the conjunction that happened last month, in 2015 AD. To see these stars, you’ll need to look as long as possible before sunrise, when the sky is still as dark as possible. Venus and Regulus are already in the same field of view in binoculars. But no matter where you live, and whether or not you can view the scene at the precise moment of conjunction, be sure to enjoy the close coupling of Venus and Regulus in the predawn and dawn sky on October 2 and 3, 2020. We think most of you will see both objects with the unaided eye, though. Find out which conjunctions to look for in the night sky. 3 BC Jun 12 Saturn and Venus -- Protector of Israel and Mother Planet 3 BC Aug 12 Jupiter and Venus in Leo(close) Royal Planet and Mother Planet in Royal Constellation (Judah) 3 BC Sep 11 Jupiter joined Regulus, chief star November 17, 2400: Venus occults Antares We in North America won’t witness this exact moment of conjunction, by the way. If we consider that we are on the verge of entering the Age of Aquarius this is pretty potent since a 0 degree cusp also indicates the ending or … The closeness is the result of the conjunction occurring in the vicinity of one of the two longitudes where the two orbits appear to intersect when viewed from the Sun (which has a point of view … Translate UTC to your time. Will you be around to see these sky events? H aving passed through inferior conjunction on June 3rd 2020 (when it was positioned directly between the Earth and the Sun), Venus swiftly enters the dawn sky as a 'Morning Star' in mid-June. Fenomena langit konjungsi Venus-Regulus hadir di langit Indonesia pada dini hari, Rabu (30/9/2020). Apalagi, jika tadi malam Anda tak melewatkan konjungsi Venus-Regulus. But don’t wait until then to see them. October 1, 2044: Venus occults Regulus Dec. 16, 2020 Ask the expert: The great conjunction As the world continues to turn during the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are settling in for a holiday season unlike any other in recent memory. However, this event would have been difficult—although not impossible—to observe since the two planets were near the Sun. This year’s great conjunction will be very special due to the close proximity of the two planets. When the Moon, planets and stars come together to form a conjunction, the results can be spectacular. A degree is about the width of your little finger held at arm’s length. Its name comes from the Latin If your sky is lit with city lights, and you see Venus but not Regulus, aim binoculars at Venus, and Regulus should come into view. Venus is the largest planet size-wise in our sky – reaching up to 66". On the mornings of October 2 and 3, 2020, Venus (brighter) and the bright star Regulus will appear near one another in the east before sunup. Look for a backwards question mark pattern of which the star Regulus is a part. 00306944205021 WHATS UP APP. Where is the best place on Earth to be, to witness this conjunction? Jupiter signs, Jupiter Conjunctions. In fact, we think people around the world will notice the very bright object in the east before sunup (Venus) with a fainter, but still pretty bright, object (Regulus) nearby and think: The actual conjunction of the planet and star – when the two meet in right ascension on our sky’s dome – will fall on October 3 at 00:00 UTC. As seen from western Asia, Venus will come achingly close to brushing against Regulus. Look for Regulus to have a conjunction with Venus on the morning of October 2, 2020. Venus is well known for its 8-year cycle, whereby this world returns to virtually the same spot in the starry heavens every 8 years. Mason says a rare conjunction of Jupiter, Venus and a bright star named Regulus occurred around 2 B.C. Regulus, below or lower left of Venus, is less that a hundredth as bright. Kepala Bidang Diseminasi Pusat Sains Antariksa Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan) Emanuel Sungging mengatakan, ada keunikan tersendiri dari fenomena konjungsi Venus-Regulus … But, no matter where you live, maybe you can see the pattern of stars around Regulus? Venus and Regulus are only 0.6° apart. Venus, appearing as a crescent, will be even brighter than its neighbor. ■ Before dawn on Friday morning, look east. Venus and Rahu in the ninth house This house shows the fluctuation in his religion and caste and the person can switch from one religion to another. October 4, 2020 Venus close to Regulus: If you wake up early in the morning, you will see Venus sitting next to bright star Regulus in the Leo constellation. He's a sundial aficionado, whose love for the heavens has taken him to Lake Titicaca in Bolivia and sailing in the North Atlantic, where he earned his celestial navigation certificate through the School of Ocean Sailing and Navigation. Fixed star Regulus, Alpha Leonis, is a 1.4 magnitude blue-white star in Leo Constellation. He also writes and hosts public astronomy programs and planetarium programs in and around his home in upstate New York. This very famous star pattern – an asterism within the constellation Leo the Lion – is called The Sickle. This is because Venus circles the sun 13 times for every time Earth circles the sun 8 times. This asterism in Leo is called The Sickle. The nearly-full moon and Mars, then Venus and the bright star Regulus, will pair up on the night of Oct. 2, 2020. Regulus marks the bottom of the backwards question mark pattern. There are a total of 11 planetary occultations of 1st-magnitude stars during the time period from 1000-3000 A.D. September 2, 1080: Mercury occults Regulus We consulted SKYCAL about the next three Venus-Regulus conjunctions in October 2028, 2036 and 2044. Perseverance saw its own descent stage crash, Zodiacal light is a glowing pyramid after dark. October 6, 2271: Venus occults Regulus Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In 2020 Regulus is still at Zero Virgo and almost 7 minutes taking 72 years to move one entire degree so it will be about 2083 before Regulus moves to 1 degree Virgo. Start watching them now! CONJUNCTION OF VENUS AND REGULUS Taken by Eliot Herman on October 2, 2020 @ Tucson AZ This was a quite striking sight as Venus and Regulus rose over the foothills. This Venus Jupiter Galactic Centre conjunction on Nov 24,2019 is almost exactly conjunct my natal Neptune at Sag 27 degrees. This precisely coincided with the Regulus-Venus conjunction I highlighted in this article, just as the earlier one closely coincided with a Regulus-Mars conjunction (~Sep 5). One light-year equals 63,240 astronomical units, and one astronomical unit equals about 93 million miles or 150 km. Regulus is actually a quadruple star system composed of four stars that are organized into two pairs. Mars also makes a fine apparition in October, reaching 22” in size at opposition. 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